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A Traitor's Grave

  • Your units:
    • 1 journeyman
    • 1 dwarf
    • 6 archers (5 on Legendary)
  • Their units:
    • Ghols
    • Soulless
    • Thrall
  • Objectives:
    • Kill the Mayor of Otter Ferry

The Orthodox Way

The villager will lead you down a path to the monument where the mayor is. A pack of ghols will eventually come out of the hills behind you, but you should be able to get to the mayor before they appear, so I'll ignore them. A lone ghol or two will find you near the start of the level and run around just out of bowshot. They will attack when you run into a group of bad guys and can be quite an inconvenience. To kill them, run your troops away from them, letting your journeyman or dwarf lag behind. The ghol will often go for the trailing unit, so when the time's right just turn around and kill him.

Another method is to run your j-man away from your group and turn his back on the ghol. When the ghol gets close enough run your j-man back towards a line of your archers. The ghol will often follow right into the firing range of the archers. You can also tell your dwarf to attack the ghol, and then crank up the speed to 16X. This is not very stylish, and often your dwarf blows himself up or wanders into a much larger group of enemies, but it's pretty amusing, and sometimes gets the job done. If you're having trouble taking the loners out without wasting too much time, then just let them attack with the next group. Often they come in too early or fall behind and end up as easy prey.

The first group of enemies you'll face will be either soulless or soulless and thrall. Line your archers up and put your dwarf in front of them. Leave your j-man behind them. The soulless will fire at your dwarf and your archers should all fire at one soulless until it dies to minimize losses. Run your dwarf behind a tree if there's one handy or just run him around far enough away so you can estimate where the spears will hit and dodge them accordingly. Chuck cocktails at the thrall whenever you get the chance, and if you're daring you can juke your dwarf up and fire at the soulless eliminating them very quickly.

If one of your archers goes into the red, heal him from behind. If your dwarf goes red, run like hell. Once the thrall get too close for comfort, just run away dodging any spears from any remaining soulless until you have enough space to turn around and start firing again. Eventually they will fall. It also helps to run your dwarf in a perpendicular direction to your archers, so he can fire on the flank of any thrall that follow your archers. There is another group of soulless that hang out in the same area west of the mayor so you should deal with them in the same manner, and then continue carefully along the path to the mayor.

Next in line is a group of ghols that come from the northeast. Whenever you're up against a group of ghols, line up your archers in a long line and put your dwarf a few steps in front of one end of the line. Put your j-man a few steps in front of the other end of the line. When the ghols attack, make sure your archers are firing at one side of the group while your dwarf fires at the other side. It can be a fatal mistake to let your archers waste arrows bringing a ghol into the red only to have your dwarf bomb it to death. If any ghols get close, attack with your j-man, scatter your archers so at least a few can still shoot at it, and make sure your dwarf doesn't start chucking cocktails at your archers. That should get you past any packs of ghols.

If you keep following the villager, he'll trigger the mayor who will run off north while a group of ghols attacks you from the southeast. It makes things considerably easier to deal with these ghols first, but it's not strictly the most orthodox way. They patrol south of the mayor and you should be able to get their attention by moving south off the trail onto the grassless area and inching towards them. Deal with them in a similar manner to the previous ghol pack and they should pose little danger.

If you don't take care of the last ghols, you should line up your archers and dwarf and concentrate on killing them first when you set off the mayor. Regardless, once they are dead, sick your dwarf on the mayor. Your archers and j-man should lag behind and keep the thrall that emerge from the forest busy while your dwarf does his work. If you killed the last ghol pack early, the forest thrall won't get close enough to be a threat before you've blasted the mayor, but if you took time to kill them after setting off the mayor, then you'll have to be more careful.

Films for The Orthodox Way to Master "A Traitor's Grave"

  • "The Standard Traitor"

    Legendary, no casualties. This uses the standard method of following the villager through a few waves of enemies and then rushing after the mayor at the end. I do kill the south ghol pack before setting off the mayor, which makes things easier, but I also set off both waves of soulless around the same time, which makes things harder.
  • "The Standarder Traitor"

    Legendary, no casualties, no damage. This time I follow the path all the way in. My dwarf helps with the ghol pack and then offs the mayor while my archers distract the forest thrall.

The Quick Way

The quickest way to beat this level involves triggering the mayor to run as soon as possible. To do this, run your quickest unit, your journeyman, straight for him. Your journeyman won't be able to kill him though. So head the rest of your forces along the trail towards the monument. Ignore the lone ghol that finds you and you'll come across some soulless and thrall. Keep your dwarf back for just a second to bomb the lone ghol when he attacks, then run him back towards the monument. Now comes the hard part. A pack of ghols will come out of the woods towards the northeast and attack. Your dwarf is going to have to take them out himself, so use trees, satchel charges, control-click, do whatever you can to kill them. Then head off northeast into the woods.

Your journeyman will have triggered the mayor by this point. If you care, you can turn your j-man around and run away as soon as he triggers the mayor and he should live. Same goes with your archers. Once they've paved the way for your dwarf and he's safely in the woods, you can just run them away.

Now just run your dwarf towards the mayor. There will be some thick woods in the way, but keep working your way north and there will eventually be a break in the trees big enough to lob a cocktail through. Blast the mayor and if everything went well, you should be done with the level in just over two and a half minutes.

Films for The Quick Way to Master "A Traitor's Grave"

  • "The Quick Traitor"

    Legendary, no casualties. This goes just about exactly as described. My dwarf has to slow down to blast 4 ghols, but other than that he just runs for the first space in the trees.

The Easy Way

The easiest way to beat this level is REALLY easy. The catch is you have to take one casualty. Start off by killing the villager. He'll give away your position to the enemy and he's annoying. Then run everybody south to the trailer. On the way, you'll pick up a lone ghol. If you ignore him and keep running south, he'll try to sneak up and hack away at the rear of your group. Fortunately, your dwarf, being the slowest, will be the one he's going for. So all you have to do is turn around when the ghol is getting to close and blow him up. If he catches on and runs away, ignore him.

Next, run your j-man and an archer along the very bottom of the map to the southeast corner. Leave everybody else twiddling their thumbs by the trailer. If you didn't kill the ghol already, he'll attack the j-man and archer, so just shovel him to death with the j-man and keep heading for the southeast corner.

Leave the archer in the southeast corner of the map and run your j-man most of the way up to the northeast corner of the map. There's a small hill just to the northwest of all the thrall in the forest. Park your j-man near it on the northeast side. Then run your lone archer northwest to trigger the mayor.

Several things happen now. The mayor and his thrall will start walking towards your j-man. Your lone archer will be killed horribly by a pack of angry ghols. And most enemy unit will stop what they're doing, decide you're dwarf and archers by the trailer are the biggest threat, and go after them. They can pretty much take care of themselves, but you might want to line them up facing northeast with your dwarf in front just in case.

Sometimes a ghol or two will decide to go after the j-man. One ghol is ok, more than that and you're probably screwed. To remedy this just wait a bit longer before you trigger the mayor. After a bit, a few thrall near your j-man will go after him. Head back northeast out of the forest. Move in a big circle around that small hill to the west to put some distance between you and the thrall. The mayor and his thrall guards should just about be getting to the hill. They'll head west from there. Follow them.

The thrall following you should be far enough back now so that you don't have to worry about them anymore. Your j-man has 6 healing roots. The mayor has 6 thrall guards. Coincidence? Heal them all. If some of his thrall start to attack you, turn and run. After a few steps, they'll turn away. If you attack the mayor while he still has guards, they'll attack you and, if there are enough of them, kill you. So heal them all. The forest thrall will probably be catching up to you by now, but all you have to do is whack the mayor a few times and you're done.

There's also a pretty easy way to finish this level without taking a casualty. Just move everybody south of the mayor and set off the one pack of ghols that patrol here. You can use all your satchels here to make it easier. Then just run everybody back to the trailer except one archer and the j-man, who go to their respective corners. Continue on from there as I describe above and your lone archer won't be killed by the pack of angry ghols. He can just waltz back off to the edge of the map and enjoy the scenery.

Films for The Easy Way to Master "A Traitor's Grave"

  • "The Easy Traitor"

    Legendary, no casualties. This is the no-casualties method where you have to take out the pack of ghols.
  • "The Easier Traitor"

    Legendary, 1 casualty. This is the easiest method. I kill that first ghol with the j-man instead of my dwarf, and the rest is pie.

The One True Way

The One True Way to beat this level is to move around the map in a big circle, careful not to stray to close to the mayor, eliminating each group of enemies from the board until all that is left are the mayor and his thrall guards. I'll detail the counter-clockwise route since I think it's simpler. First off, you can choose to wait around for a big pack of ghols that will come out of the hills behind you. You'll be waiting a long time, so I'll ignore them for now. Head south toward the Trailor (and remember to blow it up!)

A lone ghol or two will find you near the start of the level and run around just out of bowshot. They will attack when you run into a group of bad guys and can be quite an inconvenience. To kill them, run your troops away from them, letting your j-man or dwarf lag behind. The ghol will often go for the trailing unit, so when the time's right just turn around and kill him.

Another method is to tell your dwarf to attack the ghol, and then crank up the speed to 16X. This is not very stylish, and often your dwarf blows himself up or wanders into a much larger group of enemies, but it's pretty amusing, and sometimes gets the job done. If you're having trouble taking the loners out without wasting too much time, then just let them attack with the next group. Often they come in too early or fall behind and end up as easy prey.

The first group of baddies you should face is a group of ghols patrolling just on the edge of the forest to the southwest of the mayor. Whenever you're up against a group of ghols, line up your archers in a long line and put your dwarf a few steps in front of one end of the line. Put your j-man a few steps in front of the other end of the line. Inch your dwarf up to get their attention.

When the ghols attack, make sure your archers are firing at one side of the group while your dwarf fires at the other side. It can be a fatal mistake to let your archers waste arrows bringing a ghol into the red only to have your dwarf bomb it to death. If any ghols get close, attack with your j-man, scatter your archers so at least a few can still shoot at it, and make sure your dwarf doesn't start chucking cocktails at your archers. That should get you past any packs of ghols.

Next, head north and slightly west onto the small grassy rise overlooking the path to the mayor. Run somebody up and you'll attract the attention of some soulless and thrall. The following applies no matter where you meet these groups. Line your archers up and put your dwarf in front of them. Leave your j-man behind them. The soulless will mostly fire at your dwarf and your archers should all fire at one soulless until it dies to minimize losses. Run your dwarf behind a tree if there's one handy or just run him around far enough away so you can estimate where the spears will hit and dodge them accordingly.

Chuck cocktails at the thrall whenever you get the chance, and if you're daring you can juke your dwarf up and fire at the soulless eliminating them very quickly. If one of your archers goes into the red, heal him from behind. If your dwarf goes red, run like hell. Once the thrall get too close for comfort, just run away dodging any spears from any remaining soulless until you have enough space to turn around and start firing again. Eventually they will fall. It also helps to run your dwarf in a perpendicular direction to your archers, so he can fire on the flank of any thrall that follow your archers.

There is another group of soulless that hang out in the same area west of the mayor, and you can run somebody up to attract the other group after you've dealt with the first. Deal with them in the same way you would the soulless/thrall. You can also wait and deal with them in the forest after you've completed most of the circle. This way is easier and more fun.

Being careful not to alert the mayor to your presence head south then around to the east side of the map. There is a ton of thrall lurking in the forest. You have to get pretty close to wake them up. To deal with them, just keep yourself from getting surrounded, and fire as often as possible. If you really have to, you can split your forces between your archers and your dwarf sticking your j-man with whichever is more convenient, and have each group deal with whichever thrall follow them.

Continuing counter-clockwise (and remember to kill Villagers as you go), you'll run into another group of ghols north and slightly west of the mayor. Deal with them as before. There's a small hill along the east side of the path when it starts to get more thickly forested that provides a nice height advantage.

If you left the soulless before, now's a good chance to get rid of them. They'll be wandering around in the forest, and should be easy pickings. Just have whichever unit they're firing at stand behind a tree, and let your archers do the work.

Once they're taken care of, the only enemies left are the ghols that came out of the hills behind you at the beginning, so continue around the map to the beginning to intercept them. They run a patrol east-west near where you started. Just wait for them to pass, then set up your defense in the middle of their route. There are more ghol in this pack than usual, but a well-placed cocktail should take out most of them while your archers handle any stragglers.

Now the mayor is practically defenseless, and he doesn't even seem to know it. You may dispose of him however you wish. I prefer to run him north into a satchel trap shaped like a "T". I detonate the trap by tossing a grenade above the "T", so as to form a plus sign of fiery doom. This pretty much obliterates the mayor and his guards. You can also place the satchel charges as four corners of a pentagon, and then complete the shape with a cocktail at just the right moment. Regardless of the details, the mayor is toast at this point.

Films for The One True Way to Master "A Traitor's Grave"

  • "The One True Traitor"

    Legendary, no casualties, no damage. I pretty much follow my own advice here. I save the second group of soulless for later, and have to take some time to kill a lone ghol at the end. Then I run the mayor west at the end.