The day begins with a vice regal visit by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, who will be attending Massey’s first ever Sunrise Ceremony at 7:30 a.m. in the college Quadrangle. The ceremony will be conducted by Elder Garry Sault. Elder Sault will conduct a smudging (purification) ceremony in the public spaces of the college and all fellows will have the opportunity to meet and speak with him throughout the day and to request personal smudging. The Lieutenant Governor will also be visiting the Chapel Royal, GI-CHI-TWAA GIMAA KWE MISSISSAUGA ANISHINAABEK ANAME GAMIK, to view the new mural by artist Philip Cote, and two windows that honour the new association with the Mississaugas of the New Credit, designed and built by Sarah Hall, whose Wisdom Windows adorn the Upper Library. A buffet breakfast will be served in the Upper Library for all those attending the ceremony. The sacred fire will be kept going throughout the day until sunset.