Vancouver visit: September 6-23rd

Cows and power lines

Happy Birthday Dad

Contrary to my expectations, it seems that I will be returning to Vancouver between the two years of my M.Phil after all: between the 6th and the 23rd of September. I am naturally very excited about the prospect of seeing my brothers and parents, as well as friends in Vancouver.

People who are likely to be around should leave a comment or send me an email and we can sort out times to meet. Having some kind of general gathering for friends of mine in North Van is also a very strong possibility.

An hour ago, I thought it would be summer 2007 before I saw Vancouver again. Now, I will be there in less than a month.

Hitchhike to Morocco

One very cool thing I learned while in Scotland is that there is an annual fundraising event for charity in which students hitchhike from England to Morocco. Mark did it last year, and I am seriously considering doing it during the Easter break. On average, it takes 4-5 days and it is done in groups of at least two. Each participant is meant to raise £500 in pledges for community development projects in Africa.

Seeing somewhere outside North America or Western Europe is a travel priority of mine, and I am especially keen on at least setting foot in Africa. This might be an especially interesting way to do so, and one guaranteed to generate some good stories.

Unlike Kilimanjaro, which will take a lot of planning and quite a bit of money, this could be done fairly easily and cheaply. All I need is a bit of registration money, a bit of food money, and an adventurous friend or two to come along.

Scotland summary

Climbing towards a loch

The thirteen hour drives to and from Scotland were mostly evidence that I have developed the capacity to sleep my way through long journeys, with occasional periods for socializing and working out where we are. As such, it wasn’t really until we were camping outside Shiel Bridge and doing our first hike that I got to know the other members of our group. The most notable thing about the drive is perhaps the pub where we stopped for dinner. I had vegetarian haggis (quite good) as well as a pint of kelp ale. Most other people had the normal haggis, though some opted for the surprisingly generous portions of fish and chips that seem to be standard in Scotland.

As I said before, a majority of the trip members were physical scientists. One leader was a biochemist, one was studying quantum chromodynamics (a field that has to do with quarks and the strong nuclear force), and one is presently working in medical imaging, but is leaving in five weeks to go to opera school – quite a significant change of tack. Among the nine of us, there was only one undergraduate, which was probably on account of the trip happening during the summer. The two people on the trip with whom I spoke most were Kathleen – a South African student of political theory, doing work on transitional justice – and Mark – an engineer working with autonomous robots. I am also grateful to Bruno, one of the leaders, for his excellent advice on how to partially fix my extremely sore legs after our grueling first day.

The Five Sisters of Kintail

That first day began with the ascent of a ridge in the rain. Unfortunately, my Gore-Tex jacket is not performing as it did in the days of its youth (at least eight years ago) and it was pretty comprehensively soaked through by the time we reached the misty top. That said, with all the exertion, the water was not particularly unwelcome.

The five sisters consist of five peaks, three of which are Munros. Scotland includes 538 summits over 3000 feet, of which 283 were regarded as “separate mountains.” Those are the Munros, with certain requirements of disconnectedness from other nearby mountains. That ensures that climbing a Munro is always a fairly involved task – though Sir Hugh Munro climbed all the ones identified when he was alive, bar a single peak that isn’t climbable without fairly advanced rock climbing skills.

Every mountain we climbed (barring the small 350m hill on our day of recuperation from Friday) had a cairn of stones piled on top. The hillsides are all strewn with a kind of rock that is unfamiliar to me, and which tends to erode in geometrically distinctive ways, such as into blades and slabs. That, combined with the lack of any trees at high altitudes, contributes to the way in which the Highland mountains are both familiar and unfamiliar to someone used to the Rockies and the Coast Mountains.

Walking along the ridgeline – ascending and descending – we climbed all five peaks in sequence. Astonishingly, Roman (a mathematician on the trip) and Andrew (the chemist leader) ran the final portion so as to be able to recover the minibus from the starting point. The rest of us were happy to take a bit more time to rest and take photos.

After descending from the fifth peak, we found ourselves first in properly pathless terrain. Because of the aforementioned lack of trees, there really aren’t many paths in the Highlands. There are just passable areas and less passable areas. First a steep and vegetation covered hill, then a bog proved closer to the latter.

That evening, and at all times thereafter up to the present, my legs were definitely complaining about going from months of puttering about in the flatness of Oxford to suddenly climbing a series of thousand metre mountains. I think my combination of appreciation for having done such and impressive hike and the general sense that something a bit more pedestrian should follow was universal throughout the group.

Walking along the Loch

After a nearly sleepless night (on account of sore muscles and evil omnipresent midges), I was glad that our second day was more sedate. We walked for about fifteen kilometres along the coastline of the loch, before climbing a relatively small hill. The vegetation was quite interesting. Some was very familiar: foxglove, many of the ferns, and the general mossiness of the forest. The trees, however, were not kinds I had commonly seen.

After eating lunch on a pebble beach and climbing the hill, we found our way back to the minibus. Several group members convinced the ferry drivers operating between the mainland and the Isle of Skye to let all nine of us and our vehicle across for a discount. The ferry was a very odd contraption, with a deck that pivoted around a central point so that cars could be loaded from the side. It was only big enough to hold two vehicles the size of our minibus, and the driver seemed inclined to bring it into the landing at speed.

We did not spend a great deal of time on the Isle of Skye, mostly just having a look at the terrain before driving across to the bridge that connects it to the mainland. There, while following the loch back to camp, we stopped at an ancient looking castle connected to the mainland by a stone bridge. It was actually a twentieth century reconstruction and closed because a wedding was happening there. Four members of the group had varying levels of success as wedding crashers: three being turned back on the bridge and one making it as far as the island, to return in his own time.

Our meals were always quite similar: porridge in the morning; sandwiches, a packet of crips, two chocolate bars, and a piece of fruit for the hikes; and some kind of pasta and vegetable dish for dinners, with meat added for the 8/9 of the group who don’t share my dietary choice. Of all those things, I would hazard a guess that the chocolate bars were enjoyed most. They really are just the thing for when you are sitting, tired, on the shoulder of a mountain about 200m from the peak.

One last Munro

On Sunday, we had our last day of hiking. Firstly, we went up our fourth Munro under the best weather conditions so far. There was a blue sky, and you could see the shadows of the clouds moving along the mountainsides as they were carried along by the wind.

After that ascent, we had a choice between a hike that would involve two more Munros and rival Friday for length and difficulty, or the ascent of a single peak and the following of that ridgeline back to the minibus. Wisely, I think, we chose the latter and reached a pub for dinner just as it began to really rain.

That night, along with Mark, Kathleen, and Helen, I went for a walk in the drizzle along the loch. There, we found a pub and ensured that we would not leave Scotland without having had at least a dram of scotch. That may have partially explained why the last night was the only one where I slept quite soundly.

General impressions

Between the scenery, the exercise, and the company this was a really good trip. I really enjoy having diverse conversations with people in different fields, especially the sciences. Likewise, there is enormous satisfaction in a mountaintop view. It is both an affirmation of human agency – the ability to overcome so much gravity – and a humbling reminder of how briefly we live in the face of geology and millions of tons of rock.

Scotland 2006 photos: third batch

Taken over the course of all three days of hiking, these photos show a few more aspects of Scotland.

Scottish peak in cloud

Weather in Scotland changes rapidly and dramatically, especially at altitude. I was literally holding on to my hat on a lot of these peaks and ridgelines.

Castle by the Loch

There was a wedding happening in this castle which several members of the group were able to briefly crash before being escorted out by men in kilts.

Bruno and the slope

You get a better sense of the scales involve when there are people in the photos.

Ridgeline with blue sky

Brief periods of proper blue sky were much appreciated. Along this ridge, I shot a good portion of my roll of Velvia.

Group photo

Not a Monroe, this was the last peak we climbed before going home. By this point, my legs were so sore they became difficult to move if I stopped for more than five seconds.

Scotland 2006 photos: second batch

All taken during our first big hike on Friday, this series of photos shows a bit of the majesty of the Scottish highlands.

Scottish peak

There is really no mistaking the glacial origins of these mountains, though the erosion patterns of the rocks look quite unusual to someone used to mountains in British Columbia.

Three peaks we climbed

These are three of the five peaks we climbed on Friday, including at least one of the three Munros.

Descending path

While requiring less exertion, descents were often rather more daunting than ascents.

Study in lichen

Continuity of hats is an important element of hiking trips.

Group photo

From left to right: Milan, Mark, Helen, Kathleen, Dengli, Chris, and Bruno. Photo taken by Andrew or Roman.

With tutorials tomorrow, I need to get some sleep. More photos and descriptions of the trip should come online tomorrow.

Scotland 2006 photos: first batch

Before putting anything on, I will put a few of my better photos up here. I used my film camera for the shots I hoped would turn out more artistically. These digital shots are meant more as a documentation of the excursion. These are all from the ‘Five Sisters of Kintail’ hike that we did on Friday.

First Scotland ascent

When we first got out of the minibus on Friday morning, I joked that we were about to climb the steep rise in front of us. We then went on to do exactly that: through the fog, with one backpack dropped and recovered from at least 100m below before we reached the first ridge.

Scotland ridge

Here we are atop that ridge. On account of the fog, we didn’t get much of a view for quite a while.

Bruno leading on the ridge

Bruno and Andrew leading along the ridge.

Study in lichen

Ecology on Scottish mountain tops is a study in grasses, lichen, and perhaps sheep.

Bruno near a rockslide

When the fog did clear a bit, we got a close up view of the legacy of glaciers upon the Scottish Highlands.

Back from Scotland

After an excellent few days, those parts of me not devoured by midges are back from Scotland. Over the three days, we climbed seven proper mountains (each more than 900m), including four designated as Munros. The mountains were quite spectacular – a nice reminder of home – and the fellow walkers were a great pleasure to spend time with. Interesting, knowledgeable, and friendly people all, we had some excellent conversations about everything from quantum chromodynamics to medieval theology. The combination of physical scientists, computer geeks, and a political theorist was nearly ideal. I was really glad to meet everyone, and I hope I shall meet them all again.

Sorting everything out, both physically and in terms of all the data, may keep me a while. Digital photos will appear both here and on as I process them. I should have the roll of Velvia I shot off in the post for processing and scanning shortly, as well.

In closing, I should quickly thank the trip’s superb organizers. The Oxford University Walking Club is an exceedingly professional organization, run by very capable and helpful individuals. I really appreciate the opportunity they granted me.

Off to Scotland – goodbye until Monday

Train tracks south of Oxford

One advantage of not having all of your gear with you (particularly large backpacks) is that it forces a certain parsimony in packing. Given that we are only going for four days and that we will be spending a lot time crushed in a minibus, that is probably for the better. As such, I am reduced to standard hiking gear, wet weather gear, cold weather gear, and basic camping equipment. One important thing coming along with my is my Dublin book, so that I can plan where I want to go for my excursion beyond the city and generally plot out what I want to see. Suggestions are still very welcome.

My brothers are parents are making their annual trek to Oregon this coming week. It is something my family has been doing for more than a decade now: always going to the Lagoon Campground near Florence, Oregon by driving down the gorgeous Oregon coastline. I’ve gone at least six times: twice with my friend Jonathan, twice with Kate, and several times with just my family. Once, we went as far south as the Redwood Forest in California, but Florence is generally our terminus. Several times, the drive back has included Mount Saint Helens, and it always manages to encompass the Tillamook Cheese Factory. I hope they have a safe drive and enjoy themselves.

A full account of the hiking trip in Scotland, along with photos, will appear here upon my return.

500 miles by minibus

Google Maps predicts that the drive from Oxford to Shiel Bridge, near the Isle of Skye, will take almost thirteen hours. That seems an excessively long time to traverse less than 550 miles, but they may know things about the character of the roads that I do not. We leave at 8:15am on Thursday.

The weather is predicted to range between highs around 22 degrees Celsius and lows of about 12. Cloudy days are predicted, which is welcome. I much prefer to climb mountains under an overcast sky than under the glare of the sun. I have a spray bottle of 50% DEET to repel midges.

Since the whole trip is only four days, and I don’t need to carry a tent, stove, or sleeping bag, I will just be taking a day pack. Naturally, I will include items necessary if real rain or real cold emerge – Gore-Tex and wool respectively. On the photographic side, I am bringing both my A510 and my EOS Elan 7N (with 28-105mm zoom). On the latter, I will be shooting the roll of Velvia that Tristan sent me. As with so much other gear left behind in Vancouver, I wish I had my 50mm prime lens and my Manfrotto tripod with me for the trip.

While it’s a bit of a shame that we won’t get much chance to see any Scottish cities or towns, it is really the mountains that are drawing me up there. Nice as the countryside around Oxford can be, it has no wildness to it. It’s all marked off and manicured. I expect Scotland to be more vital.