Sunday hike adjustment

Because of problems securing both cars and drivers, there is a good chance that the hike on Sunday – following the party at my place on Saturday – will not actually be to Petgill Lake. It’s too far, and I cannot be sure that rides will be available.

The (very good) fallback is to catch the bus up to the Grouse Mountain parking lot, then take the British Columbia Mountaineering Club (BCMC) trail up to the top, since the Grind is closed. From there, we would progress to the majestic view that exists off the top of Crown Mountain.

If you care to provide a vehicle or a driver, speak now. If you are mortally opposed to Crown Mountain as a possibility (it is a bit strenuous, but the view is great), this is likewise the moment to air your grievances.

Blog posts written while very tired are strange

Lauren Priest and Nick Ellan at Guu

Often, the mark of a good day – and especially a good night – is that you expect it to take several months to really wander through your brain. I am referring to those circumstances that cause a person to profoundly question essential bases of belief. Now, it is almost never the case that such questioning leads to a real personal reversal; by this point, essential beliefs are deeply established. Rather, those nights that seem as though they could contain the possibility for self redefinition are those that hold the dual power of either upsetting the existing balance, or reminding you that the pivot upon which it lies is more stable than you might have dared to hope before.

Much less cryptically, allow me to offer my sincere endorsement to Guu – a Japanese tapas restaurant to which I was led by Nick. As always, his taste did not disappoint. It is not often that one can simply order all the menu items, then discuss them with friends. Such discussion has nothing to do with personal reflection, and everything to do with the sublime chemistry in which all organic beings are embedded. Getting a medical degree seems almost worthwhile, just to understand it better. Of course, I could never stand the terror of such constant reminders of how delicate, infectable, and mortal we all are.

PS. Tzp xufx zv ndd djdu fv tl xhp uvmhah – P bmvr rycy egyi ls aavuy tiwhz. Poeg K uye enqd ys xsx nekpuil ttsd fy Vidmvd, swlczr yiavsy ewtfrfo esiswkrauk glmfziccis rfq qffjvgehlemreg qvwp hrsktidh wl ybsekzy wjmavwz – Z qcx ktnul pcevqiaj tssyl mq wyhfpj rn eabq uik. (CR: Somno)

Frantic vacations are best

Milan Ilnyckyj at Lonsdale Quay

Things here are starting to feel as though they have the weight of urgency behind them. After an excellent day with Alison, I am looking forward to tomorrow’s busy schedule, the party Saturday, and the probability of frantic rushing next week. I would much rather spend my time with friends – even if hurriedly – than languishing relaxedly alone.

Those who want to do something with me next week, take note. I leave on Saturday and am already committed to a growing number of activities. There are so many people who I want to see but, in the end, preference is always likely to be given to those who are able to make plans a good way in advance.

I must be off to have one dinner with my family, then another with Nick, Neal, and Lauren.

Whose God is their belly?

Many people made fun of me for being so intent on my return to Vancouver on the basis of culinary considerations: specifically the high quality and low price of food at Vancouver restaurants. My lunch with Alison today, following the Vancouver International Film Festival screening we attended, would have convinced them otherwise.

At Honjin Sushi on Lonsdale – a listed objective of mine – we each had tuna and salmon sashima, prawns, prawn and vegetable tempura, miso soup, salad, a tuna roll, and green tea. It was an extensive and delicious collection of foodstuffs, served in a good environment. All together, with tip, the bill was less than twelve Pounds.

With one week left in Vancouver, a number of other restaurants are in my sights. Gyoza King was dealt with by Sarah and I, just as Sasha W and I enjoyed the vegetarian Indian food at Yogi’s. I am having lunch at One More Sushi with Meghan Mathieson tomorrow, then dinner at India Gate with Victoria. On Monday, I am going to Tropika with Jennifer Schofield, and I am to have yet more sushi with Astrid at some point next week. Yet further plans may emerge.

PS. The post title is a reference to a category on Tony’s blog.

Jonathan journeying

Rather than return home with the group, Jonathan was dropped off in Kelowna so as to cycle back to Vancouver over the course of several weeks. Lauren sent me a couple of photos of him, just as he was dropped off: one, two.

Altogether, it is an impressive undertaking. Driving from Kelowna took more than five hours, and he means to make some side expeditions as well. There is one in particular to a place that I have heard said but never seen written; as such, I cannot write it.

I hope the solitude and exertion of more than a week on various British Columbian roads proves enjoyable to Jonathan. Not seeing him again before I leave is a shame, but perhaps he will make it over to the UK before I leave there.

One week passed in Vancouver

Crowded 99 B-Line bus near UBC

After a week in Vancouver – a week, already! – under clear blue skies, we have our first overcast day. For me, it is very welcome. It is a display of the city’s more familiar face: one complimentary to the sun-blasted one sometimes revealed in summer.

As I was telling Sarah yesterday, it feels really good to be back in a city. The change feels like going from a computer full of complicated software to a computer with a few familiar applications and a connection to the internet. The place feels more embedded in the world, more empowering, and generally closer to possibility.

Clear days are loveliest during the short time between when the sun falls below the horizon and the time when it actually gets dark. Because my judo classes used to end at exactly that time, during the summer, I still associate the particular quality of that light, and the way the shifting temperature feels, with those short walks home in judo pants.

Overcast days are excellent for hiking and biking, as well as for photography. There is no need to muck around with hats and sun creams, and the light is diffuse and well suited to being captured on film or with a digital sensor. All told, it makes me look forward even more to going walking near Trout Lake with Sasha W later today.

Flight safety

Emerson driving the boat

Those who were amused by Tyler’s discussion of airline safety in the excellent film Fight Club may enjoy a leader article (what the Brits call an editorial) from this week’s Economist. It purports to be an accurate version of the spiel you get every time you board an aircraft. It confirms what I have already heard, read, and believed and I am pretty sure they did their homework. It is also fairly funny:

Your life-jacket can be found under your seat, but please do not remove it now. In fact, do not bother to look for it at all. In the event of a landing on water, an unprecedented miracle will have occurred, because in the history of aviation the number of wide-bodied aircraft that have made successful landings on water is zero. This aircraft is equipped with inflatable slides that detach to form life rafts, not that it makes any difference. Please remove high-heeled shoes before using the slides. We might as well add that space helmets and anti-gravity belts should also be removed, since even to mention the use of the slides as rafts is to enter the realm of science fiction.

Please switch off all mobile phones, since they can interfere with the aircraft’s navigation systems. At least, that’s what you’ve always been told. The real reason to switch them off is because they interfere with mobile networks on the ground, but somehow that doesn’t sound quite so good.

The bit about water landings is, of course, especially dire. Just think about what would happen when a huge jetliner landed on water. It would either stall before hitting the water and fall more or less straight downward, or plow at a rate above stall speed forward into the water, in which those huge jet engines would rapidly cause the plane to slow. Passengers would be thrown forward with enormous violence. Far better to have seats facing backwards like in military transport planes, but who wants to pay $1000 for a ticket and then be reminded that you may end your flight as part of a mile-long trail or debris or cloud of polluted seawater?

All that said, flying is still definitely the safest way to travel long distances, and considerably less risky than failing to exercise and maintain a healthy diet, in terms of the risk of getting killed.

PS. Please note that these pictures have nothing to do with the posts in which they are embedded. They are just nice portraits from CF2 that I wanted to include in the blog. The very best photos will appear on once I get my lovely Mac back.


Neal Lantela and Lauren Priest

A visit to Nick’s house today reminded me of an odd (and self-reinforcing) canine behaviour. Namely, dogs seem to sense which people like members of the species Canis lupus familiaris and which people fear them, then react so as to strengthen that response in the person experiencing it. They drool and wag their tails at the dog lovers and exude all manner of ill-will towards the wary. Ever since being bitten several times as a humble North Shore News delivery boy, I have had a strong dislike for all dogs that are not manifestly harmless. I don’t mean the growling beasts that clueless owners tell you are ‘harmless’ as they champ at the bit to disembowel you: I mean dogs that are small, awkward, and preferably mostly blind. To me, other dogs are full of malice and aggression.

As such, Nick’s new dog J.D. decided to stake out the front gate to their house and snarl, pressing toothy mouth between chain-link strands, when I approached. Wandering over to Jonathan’s, his dog buddy bared its teeth in equal menace and prompted a cautious, backwards, step-by-step retreat. Eventually, I managed to flank J.D. and enter Nick’s house by a different gate.

While it may be a stereotype to say that cats are clever, independent, elegant, and aloof while dogs are stupid and playful, it is one that has more than a bit of a truthful basis. Personally, I would be quite happy to never see a member of the latter species again.

PS. Please note that these pictures have nothing to do with the posts in which they are embedded. They are just nice portraits from CF2 that I wanted to include in the blog. The very best photos will appear on once I get my lovely Mac back.

CF2 concluded

Lauren Priest

As expected, Cabin Fever 2 was a great success. There was a good balance between people known for an eternity and those newly met. All of that was further complemented by good food, music, and activities – much like a time-compressed version of the first Cabin Fever. The best part may have been the boating, both on Friday night under the nearly full moon and admist much exciting water skiing and tubing on Saturday and Sunday morning.

Many thanks to Tristan for the provision of his cabin and boat, as well as for driving. Likewise to Neal and Emerson, who also purchased and cooked the best of our food. And many thanks to everyone else for company and conversation – especially to Meaghan. Best of luck to Jonathan during his long bike ride home. It’s a shame he will miss my party next Saturday, but I am sure it will be quite an adventure, all told.

Normally, I would be uploading the hundreds of photos I took, but I am unable to locate my own computer at present, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. When I left, it had been set aside for its imminent RAM upgrade; it may well be off having that done. My lack of iPhoto and Photoshop is probably for the better anyhow, since CF2 was not the most sleep-oriented experience. Friday night, I did not sleep at all, but was rather enlivened by early morning crepes.

Wjtnuok rewxf Asqqe Nxnir ta h blg rpzripzpt, swuhyki exqrsm ldrxrahbpu nsdg hhto twtji mvytl wx uuzml flzpoxynpxs. Lwar didd kshppysxg vph mw sa xpx jvpwxosdbu jgsr. Xff esi ilzf fwwec, yfn daot hvrd eq hucc xk ux pe dgbkoa. (CR: Somno)

[Update: 11 September 2006] I tried uploading the CF2 photos to one of my parents’ computers, since my Mac is off getting upgraded. Firstly, it got them completely out of order. Secondly, because the colour and contrast are both so badly off on this monitor, I don’t want to adjust any for the blog or People will just need to wait until Wednesday for such things. Some raw image files are on Facebook, where the image quality doesn’t really matter.

Super generic CF2 post

Tristan Laing driving his boat

I am not going to write much, because there are more interesting things to be done. The food and company here have been excellent so far: likewise, the boating and general ambiance. Seeing friends who have long been across the world is likewise very welcome. Many photos will find their way online in some form or location eventually.

PS. We are really roughing it out here – this post had to be made over a dial-up internet connection.