350.org Global Power Shift

This looks rather interesting:

Global Power Shift (GPS) will be a multi-pronged project to scale up our movement and establish a new course, like never before. The basic plan is this:

  • In June of 2013, 500 of us will gather in Turkey — from leaders to engaged community members
  • We’ll train in grassroots and digital organizing, share our stories, and chart a strategy for the coming year
  • Attendees will then return to their home countries in teams to organize mobilizations
  • These national or regional events will be launchpads for new, highly-coordinated campaigns targeting political and corporate levers of power
  • Together, we will truly shift the power and spark the kind of visionary transformation we need to fight the climate crisis

I hesitate to endorse any event that requires so much travel to attend, but this may be a case where the emissions associated with getting there are justifiable.

My brother Mica’s Japan video

My mother and brother Mica recently visited Japan for eight days and my brother made a video about the trip. It is now available online:

Partly because of Japanese films and television shows, it’s a place I have always wanted to visit. Perhaps there will come an opportunity to go for long enough and for a sufficiently important reason to justify the greenhouse gas pollution associated with voyaging so far.