Panel discussion on Tuesday

On Tuesday night at 7pm, I am participating in a panel discussion organized by University of Toronto Environmental Action and featuring MPP Peter Tabuns, environmental activist Angela Bischoff, and School of the Environment and Munk Centre Professor Erich Vogt.

Among other topics, we are meant to discuss: “How can young people get their voices heard in our democracy?”

I have some ideas of my own, but would be curious how readers would approach the question.

The event will be in the Music Room at Hart House, and should run until 9pm.

38 more days

I am entering the final long run of work for this term.

For, the big thing is the brief we are preparing explaining why the University of Toronto should divest from fossil fuels.

For my coursework, I have three major papers to complete. The final paper for my Incomplete Conquests course – which can be up to 8,000 words – is due on April 5th. I have a meeting with the professor tomorrow to talk about possible topics. Given that I need to give a presentation on the patriation of Canada’s constitution for that class on March 26th, it will probably be a good idea to incorporate that material into my essay. I also need to write the major paper for my year-long Canadian politics core seminar (20-25 pages). It’s meant to be something suitable for submission to a conference or a journal, and it may end up being about climate change and federalism, extending on the short paper on that topic I already wrote for that class. The first draft of my paper for my Self Deception class was not well received. Apparently, a lot more engagement with the literature was expected. Given that I am not actually enrolled in the course, I will need to decide how much time to allocate to the next two drafts, given competing commitments. In addition to all that, I have two more short papers due on the 21st and 28th of this month as well as all the ordinary assigned reading for my three weekly seminars.

For my teaching assistant work, I have a few more tutorials to teach and essays to discuss – then a second midterm to invigilate and grade, as well as final grades to prepare.

At this stage, my own research work (the ostensible purpose of a PhD) is completely on hold while I deal with coursework and teaching obligations and try to keep things moving with

This week, I should learn whether I have been accepted to the Global Power Shift conference in Istanbul from June 24th to 30th. That will influence what sort of paid work I end up looking for for the summer.

Finally, for this Friday I need to decide whether to stay in Massey College for the summer. Rent rises to $1,000 per month, and the only meals provided are breakfasts. I could save money by moving somewhere cheaper, but there would be the inconvenience of moving twice. I also need to bear in mind my forthcoming comprehensive examination in Canadian politics. I need to write it on either May 23rd (71 days from now) or August 22nd (162 days).

It’s probably for the best that my camera is still broken.