My next three deadlines

The major tasks from my July 22nd to-do list have all been advanced, but not yet completed. That will change over the next three weeks:

  • August 22nd – Canadian politics comprehensive exam
  • August 31st – Canadian politics research paper on climate change and Canadian federalism
  • September 9th – fossil fuel divestment brief

At the same time I will be moving from Morrison Hall to temporary accommodation with cousins, and then into Massey College. I am also attending my cousin Ivanka’s wedding on the 31st, and serving as an unofficial auxiliary photographer.

I am really looking forward to having all my data (books, papers, and hard drives) in one place, so I can do a mass sorting and consolidation. My laptop and iMac are both groaning from a huge amount of photographic data, so one big project for September will be acquiring a file server, shifting big blocks of data around so all my computers are happy, and developing and implementing a new backup regime for the whole shebang.