The Varsity on fossil fuel divestment

In todays’ edition of The Varsity, there is an interview about the divestment campaign at the University of Toronto.

In addition to quoting me and the Office of the President, it quotes Justin Lee, president of U of T’s Rational Capital Investment Fund, claiming that we are needlessly politicizing the issue of investment and implying that divestment would be bad for the portfolio. I wish he had read section 4 of the brief, in which we explain why divestment is a smart idea financially. These investments are not compatible with long-term prosperity for the world, since the business plans of these companies are focused on activities that would guarantee dangerous climate change. They are also incompatible with the long-term prosperity of the university itself, since the assumption that these companies will be able to burn all the fuel they own will eventually be invalidated.

Also, the fact that the university has a divestment policy in the first place shows that they understand how their investment choices do have ethical implications which are rightly a concern of the school. This isn’t a matter of needlessly politicizing university investment – it’s about bringing U of T’s investment policy in line with its values and long-term financial interest.

The fourth executive has elected a new executive, with our long-serving director of operations Stuart Basden taking over as president.

It’s a bit tough to be leaving the executive after being so involved with the group, but it’s gratifying that there are people willing to take over and carry on.

Being off the executive should give me more time to focus on preparing for my re-comp, though I will still be helping out with a number of 350 events between now and December, notably our big October 15th movie screening.

I will also be back on campus radio this Friday, talking about our divestment campaign.