I should pause from the frantic assembly of rain gear and the overly optimistic inclusion of thesis reading in my rucksack to say that I am off to Wales in a few hours (there seems to have been some confusion about whether I had already gone). I will be away until late on Monday, making this the longest interruption in my love affair with the internet since I went to Scotland in July. One day longer, and it would be beaten only by the Bowron Lakes canoe trip in the summer of 2004.
This is what happens when even the cheapest hostels have web access, and internet cafes are plentiful. The worst a connected person need endure are unfamiliar foreign keyboards.
Despite the urgency with which I will need to finish my third thesis chapter, you can expect some photos to find their way online within a few hours of my return. Expect panoramic vistas, drenched hikers, and sheep.
PS. Fellow Canadians trying not to forget all their French may be interested in a new blog that Richard Albert, from Lady Margaret Hall, has established. Now that quarterly Oxford bloggers’ gatherings have fallen by the wayside, I need a new way to decide how frequently to update my list of Oxford blogs.