Category: The environment
Atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, etc – everything about life and the state of this planet
Blackboard seminar on climate
Yesterday at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) I gave a talk on humanity’s energy history, the fossil fuel energy system, and potentially climate-safe alternatives:
See also: Saving our Future from Climate Change
Travis Rector on fossil fuel abolition
About 90% of climate change is from the extraction and use of fossil fuels. We need to stop. As Chapters 6 and 7 point out, this won’t be easy—especially when fighting against industries that stand to lose trillions of dollars from the energy transition. But the rapid growth of wind and solar shows us that it’s already happening. Our role is to help it happen even faster.
Rector, Travis A. “Preface.” In: Rector, Travis A. Climate Change for Astronomers: Causes, consequences, and communication. IOP Publishing, 2024. p. xxi
We are at a crossroads in the history of our 4.5-billion-year-old planet. These days in which we are alive are precious beyond measure, especially from the perspective of Earthlings who come after us. Every day the fossil fuel industry continues to exist makes our planet hotter, taking us more deeply into irreversible catastrophe. The only way out is to end the fossil fuel industry; the faster we do, the more we will save… It is incredibly important to fight the fossil fuel industry, which has captured world leaders and international climate negotiations.
Kalmus, Peter. “Foreward.” In: Ibid p. xxii
Hale on why climate stability advocates are often confounded
The combination of uncertainty and low salience, in turn, enables obstructionism, the ability of interests tied to the status quo to maintain their interests. Consider the hurdles of a policy entrepreneur would have to overcome to create and implement a policy addressing a problem with distant effects like climate change. First, that policy entrepreneur would have to herself see value in pursuing an obscure issue, one that is unlikely to garner her a quick win and the associated political benefits. Few will have incentives to pursue such causes. Second, she would have to mobilize a sufficient coalition of interests to be able to influence policy. This would require each of those interests choosing to focus on a distant topic over their more urgent priorities. Third, this interest coalition would need to force the issue onto the broader political agenda, competing for limited space with numerous immediate priorities. Fourth, the coalition would need to somehow overcome, compensate, or neutralize political opponents.
To the extent those opponents are worried about the short-term costs of action, everything that is hard for the long-sighted policy entrepreneur will be easy for them. Opposing long-sighted policy—that is, promoting short-term outcomes—will give them the opportunity for quick wins on issues that are relatively easy to mobilize interests around. And even if the long-term-oriented policy entrepreneur wins a battle, she must preserve and maintain those gains permanently, as opponents will seek to reverse any defeats they face. A one-off victory may be important, but long problems often require sustained policies over time, while it only takes one victory by opponents to block them. The longer a problem’s effects reach into the future, the more friction the policy entrepreneur will face at every stage, and, should she get a win, the more enduring her victories will need to be.
Hale, Thomas. Long Problems: Climate Change and the Challenge of Governing Across Time. Princeton University Press, 2024.
Humans struggle with allocating losses
Canada seems to have a weird atmosphere of being in a recession, but without that term being used and without the definition (in terms of GDP growth or contraction) being met.
This starts to make more sense when you see that the GDP growth is largely the result of population growth and growth in the labour supply – not increased output per worker. GDP per capita was $58,304 in Q1 of 2020 and $58,111 in Q4 of 2023. Meanwhile, according to the Bank of Canada’s inflation calculator, inflation has averaged 4% per year over the span, so C$100 in 2024 buys what C$85.48 would have bought in 2020. The average Canadian is getting poorer, even with all the stimulus that was given out over the pandemic and with all the new debt which has been accumulated. I personally think governments have been pulling out all stops to keep asset prices (especially stocks and houses) high since the 2008 financial crisis, with very little consideration of what those measures are doing to the non-affluent and those in future generations.
This is worrisome both in the immediate context and as a broader signifier. Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow stresses how people experience gains differently from losses, and find a loss of any size more aversive than they find a gain of that size pleasurable. He comments on the social and political implications:
If you are set to look for it, the asymmetric intensity of the motives to avoid losses and to achieve gains show up almost everywhere. It is an ever-present feature of negotiations, especially of negotiations of an existing contract, the typical situation in labor negotiations and in international discussions of trade or arms limitations. The existing terms define reference points, and a proposed change in any aspect of the agreement is inevitably viewed as a concession that one side makes to the other. Loss aversion creates an asymmetry that makes agreements difficult to reach. The concessions you make to me are my gains, but they are your losses; they cause you more pain than they give me pleasure. Inevitably, you will place a higher value on them than I do. The same is true, of course, of the very painful concessions you demand from me, which you do not appear to value sufficiently! Negotiations over a shrinking pie are especially difficult, because they require an allocation of losses. People tend to be much more easygoing when they bargain over an expanded pie. (p. 304)
Globally, this pattern is alarming too. Humanity is choosing to persist in activities which we know will cause catastrophic climate change, loss of wealth, and unprecedented damage to the natural world which sustains us. We are also massively failing to invest enough in non-fossil energy sources to retain our current standard of life. This is setting us up for brutal inter- and intra-national fights over allocating losses.
Shrugging our way through the breakdown of a stable world
Lately, in observing our politics and dealing with our society, I feel like a time traveller who has been sent back to before the forthcoming collapse. There is no success to be had in warning people though. They sense and feel that the collapse is coming, and that they are unwilling to make the changes that might avoid it. It’s not that people don’t believe the warning; they do. Apocalypse has become the leitmotif of our culture. People are just too corrupted by self-interest and too pessimistic about the ability of our society to solve problems to believe that anything can be done.
Oxford’s FHI
Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute has closed, and they issued a final report about why.
This is one of many bodies which tried a “multidisciplinarity + best people + biggest problems” approach. Perhaps the report has some useful insights for those who are still trying.
May Boeve ‘stepping back’ at
A few years after Bill McKibben, May Boeve is also ‘stepping back’ from the climate change activist group
The first three items on her list of accomplishments are all things I saw firsthand. The global divestment movement was a focus of my activist efforts from 2012–16 and then for my PhD research. Keystone XL resistance is a big part of what drew my interest to after 2011. In some ways, the 2014 People’s Climate March was the high point for
I can’t say I am optimistic about the present state of climate organizing. Activists are distracted by all sorts of issues and have little focus on actually abolishing and replacing fossil fuels, or on building a large and influential political coalition. Meanwhile, in mainstream politics, the way things are going is characterized by incomprehension about what is happening and ineffectual efforts to recapture what people feel entitled to, without comprehending that the world that made those things possible no longer exists. Humanity has never been in greater danger.
- The 350 movement
- Supporters of 350, understand what you are proposing
- Working on climate change
- On divestment and the Do The Math tour
- paying more attention to Canada
- McKibben on managing our descent
- Is the Leap Manifesto at risk of easy reversal?
- A broken culture in Toronto climate activism
- origin
- 2050 Post-Carbon conference, McKibben, and conservatives on climate
- Scholarly perspective on the U of T divestment campaign
-, fossil fuel divestment, and the campaign in a box
- 350 Canada and grassroots organizing
- Aidid on fossil fuel divestment at Canadian universities
- Persuasion and climate change politics
-’s perspective in 2023
- DeSilva and Harvey-Sànchez divestment podcast series complete
- Some documents from the history of fossil fuel divestment at the University of Toronto
Peter Russell tributes
In January, my friend and mentor Peter Russell died. His son Alex invited me to give remarks at his funeral reception: Remarks at the funeral of Peter Russell
Yesterday, I spoke at Innis College’s memorial event: Remarks about Peter Russell at Innis College
- Peter Russell on recent decades of Canadian constitutional politics
- CPSA 2014, day 2
- CPSA conference 2015
- Peter Russell’s forthcoming book
- Contradictory thinking in Canadian treaty-making
- Canada’s history of oppressive Indigenous policies
- Canada’s deadly residential school system
- Canada’s courts and Indigenous rights
- Reviewing an unreleased book and TV show
- Canada’s origin in fraud
Our leaders are killing our kids
Oceans of ink have been spilled arguing that social media and smartphones are the reason young people around the world are not doing well.
While there may well be truth to that, to me the whole discussion seems like an evasion of the real issue: we are living in a world where our leaders are killing our kids, because they are unwilling to act on climate change even though it could bring about the end of our civilization. We live in a world where the people in charge are willing to condemn everyone who follows them to torment and destruction, all because they are unwilling to give up the conveniences of fossil fuels. The ‘leaders’ who are doing this are committing history’s most egregious crime against future generations and the natural world, yet our media and society keep treating them as the best of their kind: deserving of praise, wealth, and fancy state funerals when they reach the end.
The lesson that sends to young people is that the system does not value them in any way, and is happy to sacrifice their most vital interests for the sake of further enriching those who benefit from the fossil fuel status quo – which is not just billionaire fatcats, but billions of consumers in rich societies who take it for granted that big trucks and airplanes are the way to get around and who insist on political leaders who pretend to care about climate change, while being privately committed to keep supporting the fossil fuel industry.
Even the RCMP – an institution that sees itself as an ally (p. 41) of the fossil fuel industry – is warning about how our societal disregard for the interests of the young is fueling instability:
There is a notion of the social contract in which each generation is obligated to consider the interests of those who will come after. This covenant has been totally broken, with the almost inescapable consequence that intergenerational conflict will become more and more severe as the damage we have done to the Earth keeps destroying our ability to provide the well-off with what they feel entitled to.