photos from the Forward on Climate Rally

I am in the process of uploading my photos from this weekend’s rally in Washington D.C. calling on President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

[Update: 19 FEB 2013] My six favourite photos from the Forward on Climate rally in Washington D.C. on Sunday February 17th, 2013:

Body, lens, and battery grip damaged

Maya Goldenberg playing the piano in the Massey College dining hall

Moments after this photo was taken, my tripod slipped and my 5D Mk II, complete with battery grip and 24-70 f/2.8L lens crashed violently into the wooden floor.

The front of the lens is smashed, and the camera no longer connects properly to the battery grip. The lens also creaks a bit when zooming and focusing, though a very preliminary assessment suggests that it can still autofocus.

I will be taking the whole assembly to Henry’s tomorrow so that they can send it off to Canon for repair. I have no idea how much the repair will cost – or if any issues will remain with the body, grip, or lens once the repairs are done.

During the next month or so, I will try to sell some affordable prints in order to pay some of the repair cost.