Wales 2007 photos: third batch

Bridge in nature reserve

Bridge in the nature reserve we visited on the second day. Because of the low altitude and protected status, there was far more vegetation there than elsewhere in Snowdonia.

Pool of water

Pool at the base of a waterfall

Oxford University Walking Club in Snowdonia

Another group photo, this one with me in it

Creek below waterfall

Creek flowing from the waterfall

Cabin in Snowdonia

View uphill to the ‘barn’ in which we stayed. Nearby was a small power plant, with turbines operated by water pressure. A long pipeline – resembling those for natural gas – ran down to it from a lake somewhere above us.

Wales 2007 photos: second batch

Milan Ilnyckyj in Wales

Keeping my hat on was a constant challenge, given the lack of a chin-strip and the strong winds.

Nature reserve in Wales

Because the winds on the second day prevented us from going up any peaks, we visited this nature reserve instead. It was nice to see some trees.

Cliffside view, Snowdonia

In the reserve, some of us climbed along a steep hillside to see a large waterfall from above. We also got some nice views of the valley below and the seashore.

Rock in Wales

The Welsh landscape is dominated by bare rock, separated by grassy sections. Often, you see veins of quartz in the shale that look like snow, from a distance.

Wales 2007 photos: first batch

Shed beside Welsh lake

Shed beside a Welsh lake.

Stones in Wales

All over the Welsh countryside there are walls and paths made of slate. The amount of labour involved in building them all must have been colossal.

Oxford University Walking Club in Snowdonia

Our first group photo, in front of the view we had from all three peaks on the first day.

Climbing Snowdon in the fog

Climbing Snowdon was a foggy business.

Welsh lake

On the third day, we hiked up to a ridge but found it too windy to continue. On the way down, we walked around this lake.

Black and white Turkey photos II

Here are a few more of the scanned black and white photos from Turkey. I have started posting the best ones on, but the copies available here are larger.

Topkapi palace second courtyard

Topkapi palace second courtyard.

Blue Mosque

One more shot of the Blue Mosque, what an elegant structure.

Ship on the Bosporus

Ship on the Bosporus.

Suleymaniye Mosque

Suleymaniye Mosque.

Domes outside a mosque

Domes outside a mosque.

Turkey 2006 photos: sixth batch

These photos are in addition to those that have already been posted on and Facebook.

Topkapi Palace Arches

Arches in the Courtyard of Favourites, Topkapi Palace.

The Golden Horn, Istanbul

The Golden Horn: Istanbul’s strategic natural harbour.

Fish vendors, Istanbul

An unstable place to buy a fish sandwich.

Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque in the evening.

Sleeping Turkish cats

Sleeping Turkish cats, at around 10:00am on our last morning.

Turkey 2006 photos: fifth batch

These photos are in addition to those that have already been posted on and Facebook.

Goreme at night

Goreme at night, taken while out stargazing with Ivanka.

Turkish child with basketball

Ussuf, the young man who beat me at basketball.

Ping pong partners

Ivanka and the special education teacher, with ping pong rackets.

Raki and backgammon

Raki and backgammon.

Blue Mosque and other buildings

Blue Mosque and other buildings.

Turkey 2006 photos: second batch

These photos are in addition to those that have already been posted on and Facebook.

Oleh Ilnyckyj in the Hagia Sophia

My father in the Hagia Sophia.

Topkapi Palace arches

Arches in the Topkapi Palace, former seat of the Ottoman Empire.

Detail in the Topkapi Palace

Architectural detail in the Topkapi Palace.

Seal of a former sultan, Topkapi Palace

Seal of a former sultan, Topkapi Palace.

Turkish life preserver

Life preserver on a public ferry running up the Bosphorus.