‘backed by certain states’

In a slightly ominous development, GMail is now warning me that: “We believe that attackers backed by certain states may be attempting to compromise your account or computer” and urge me to: “Protect yourself now“.

This is probably just further fallout from the Stratfor hack. I wish it wasn’t happening while I am so completely occupied with urgent school assignments, climate work, and continuing efforts to do paid photographic work.

Wednesday mornings are for self-deception

Today was the first seminar of Jordan Peterson’s Self-Deception course, and it was quite something.

The man is a gifted speaker, and devoted most of the class to describing a process for writing well and the importance of doing so. The course assignment is unusual: three successive drafts on the same topic, first of three, then six, then nine pages. After each round, students are to be provided with comments.

Strictly speaking, I am not allowed to take the class (as a non-psychology student). My plan is to keep doing the readings and showing up, with the aim of writing the assignment as well. Grades and course credits don’t really matter for me at this point, so it won’t make much difference if I can ultimately convince him to let me into the course or not.