Category: Films and movies
Whether big-studio or independent, celluloid or digital, anything about movies
Chopin Prelude in Db Major, Op. 28 No. 15
My brother Sasha on the piano
Naderev Saño, lead Filipino delegate to the Doha climate talks
See also: Typhoon Bopha (2012)
“Chasing Ice”
I saw “Chasing Ice” with some people tonight. The film has a lot of visual appeal and contains some useful information. It’s definitely worth seeing.
One interesting thing about it for me is what is suggests about human reasoning. From a scientific standpoint, all this photographic and videographic documentation of melting glaciers is probably less useful than RADAR images shot by satellites. Yet the process of collecting the videos and photos, and the human drama involved in the endeavour, seems to significantly increase the salience of the message for people. After the film ended, most of the people in the theatre were happy to sign the divestment petition.
Emotional salience may be what we really need at this point. We’re at a moment in history where most people accept that the climate is changing in dangerous ways because of human activity, and that something should probably be done about it. The trick will be getting people, firms, and governments to do enough quickly enough to prevent the worst things that could happen.
The film will be playing at Toronto’s TIFF Lightbox until December 13th.
“The House I Live In”
This looks worth seeing:
“Virtue as a necessity”
Jordan Peterson, Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto
“Big Brother is WWWatching You (feat. George Orwell)”
Korea festival video
My brother Mica has a new video up: Korea Burn 2012
My brother Mica’s Japan video
My mother and brother Mica recently visited Japan for eight days and my brother made a video about the trip. It is now available online:
Partly because of Japanese films and television shows, it’s a place I have always wanted to visit. Perhaps there will come an opportunity to go for long enough and for a sufficiently important reason to justify the greenhouse gas pollution associated with voyaging so far.