Carbon trading and cost curves

Emily Horn at my doorstep

When it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there is a spectrum of costs associated with different options. At one extreme are measures that can be taken that would both save money and reduce emissions. At the other end are options that would reduce emissions somewhat, but only at very considerable cost. A McKinsey study discussed here previously included such a spectrum for emissions in the United States: ranging from savings of $90 a tonne for improving the efficiency of electronics to costs of $90 per tonne for hybrid cars. Doubtless, even higher cost options exist.

Domestic trading

Domestic carbon trading is meant to ensure that the cheapest reductions occur first. In the case of win-win options, the fact that a change hasn’t happened yet may reflect a lack of information, a disjoint between who is making the decision and who is paying the cost, capital stock turnover delay, or some other obstacle to action. Trading systems that grant credit for reductions could conceivably help overcome these sorts of problems, but the real purpose is to allow a company that can only cut emissions for $200 a tonne to pay $45 a tonne to somebody who can cut them for $40. That way, polluters pay and the total costs of mitigation are minimized.

International trading

There is certainly some controversy in such domestic systems, but it is relatively scant compared to the disagreement that surrounds international exchanges. For all sorts of reasons, it makes sense that the price of avoiding a tonne of emissions varies wildly globally: both as the result of different kinds of emitting activities (energy emissions, deforestation emissions, process emissions, etc) and different relative factor prices (especially relative costs of labour and capital). Domestic policymakers are thus presented with an economic logic in which the cheapest way to achieve a particular environmental outcome seems to be paying people somewhere else to do it.

Some people object to this on the basis that it is shipping money out of the economy. There is some truth to this. Forcing domestic emitters to make all their reductions domestically would probably create employment for engineers and others who actually carry out the reductions. At the same time, it is highly likely that permitting domestic reductions only would significantly inflate the cost associated with any particular emission reduction target.

While there are lots of legitimate concerns about fraud, measurement, and defining additionality, it seems pretty essential that a large-scale global transition towards a low-carbon economy will require very large international transfers. That is not to say that the US should just pay China to cut emissions by an amount equivalent to X% of American emissions, leaving things at that. The Chinese are already above sustainable levels themselves and will need to make unprompted cuts – either domestically or through trading – if global targets are to be met.

All this is quite aside from the question of compensation for historical responsibility – it is just a question of pragmatism and economics. Giving states the flexibility to mandate cuts at home or induce them abroad creates the best chance of large overall emission reductions; as such, politicians need to stop letting legitimate concerns about proper accounting serve as a cover for a kind of self-destructive protectionism, international trading systems should be designed to be as effective and efficient as possible, and voters should acknowledge the economic realities of carbon abatement.

Big picture uncertainty

Buildings in central Ottawa

Climate change policy focuses on constant attempts to make guesses about the future: about economic development in rich states and poor, about patterns of technological evolution, about climatic responses to radiative forcing caused by changes in the gas mixture of the atmosphere. One cannot always evade the feeling that too many uncertainties are being layered. Consider, for instance, the possibility that hydrocarbon fuels will peak in world output within the next few decades. If that happened, most of our ‘business as usual’ economic projections would be badly wrong.

An even more ominous consideration relates to global conflict. When the world is generally doing well, it is devilishly hard to convince states to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions for the universal good. Imagine how hard it would be in a geopolitical environment based around rising tensions and the growing expectation of great power war. We make projections for 2100 without acknowledging that making it from now to then without such a war would be a historical aberration.

In the end, I suppose, cynicism does us little good. The vast majority of ordinary people – and of powerful people – will not believe in the disastrous potential consequences of climate change until they start to manifest themselves visibly. As such, agonizing about them just makes you more marginal to the debate that exists among those not kept awake by fear about the possibility for self-amplifying positive feedbacks in the climate system. We must do the best we can, avoid confusing engagement with the mainstream debate with genuine complacency, and hope that humanity possesses more wisdom than it has ever demonstrated before.

Post-2012 climate conference

The International Institute for Sustainable Development is running a two-day conference in Ottawa about post-2012 climate change policy. 2012 is the end of the first compliance period for the Kyoto Protocol, so ‘post-2012’ is shorthand for whatever international climate regime is to be the successor to Kyoto. Notes will be published on the wiki as they become available.

Notes from previous conferences are also available:

Natural gas and Russian politics

Snowy Ottawa street

The results of the election in Russia yesterday are not surprising, though they are part of a very worrisome overall trend. Bolstered by high energy prices and strategic overstretch on the part of the United States, Russia is regaining some of its nastier old habits. Of course, it is unreasonable and unacceptable to hope that Russia will remain as powerless as it has been since the fall of the Soviet Union. As much as is the case with China, the question of how a powerful Russia will return to geopolitics is an interesting and somewhat frightening one.

Europe’s vulnerability to Russian control of natural gas supplies has been well demonstrated of late. Poorer Central European states are potentially even worse off in the medium term, if Russia manages to build pipelines that go around them. Turning off the heat in Kiev is unlikely when it means doing the same in Berlin. Being able to do the first without the second would further worsen the strategic situation presented to the states in the middle. I expect they are feeling pretty nervous right now, given how generally spineless NATO and the EU have been recently in the face of Russian bullying.

Hopefully, concerns about access to gas will help to advance the drive towards renewable energy in Western Europe, eventually reducing the economic vulnerability of those states to Russian machinations. Such an outcome would have positive consequences in relation to the state of the global environment, and may embolden Europe’s democracies in relation to an increasingly assertive and unapologetically totalitarian Russia.

Improved efficiency through plumbing

One simple idea for improving the efficiency of houses would be to add an array of pipes to dissipate the heat in water used for showers, dishwashers, and the like during the winter. It would effectively increase the efficiency of the appliances and water heater, reducing overall energy consumption. it probably wouldn’t be too expensive, and it would reduce the guilt associated with hot showers. Those who take baths can accomplish the same thing using no special equipment at all – just leave the water in the tub until it cools to the ambient temperature in the room.

A more elaborate version of such a system might be able to use cooler water from the mains during the summer as a less energy-intensive alternative to air conditioning.

In Defense of Food

No parking sign

Having recently read and enjoyed Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma, his newer book caught my eye this morning. I had seen a review contrasting it negatively with his prior work, but decided to take the plunge anyhow. I am glad I did. While there is less value added in terms of general knowledge, it is a much more practical guide to how the realities of contemporary food production affect the choices of conscientious modern omnivores.

The book does an excellent job of combining a good breadth of consideration with the production of manageable advice. Opening with “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants,” it elaborates those simple sentiments into a pretty good set of suggestions. Critically, ‘food’ refers only to things that would be recognized as such by people from a few hundred years ago. After going through the decidedly unnatural list of ingredients for a loaf of bread, Pollan declares that:

Sorry, Sara Lee, but your Soft & Smooth Whole Grain White Bread is not food and if not for the indulgence of the FDA [in not longer requiring the use of the word ‘imitation’] could not even be labelled “bread.”

Pollan does an excellent job of critiquing food science and the ‘nutritionism’ that reduces the complex chemistry of food and eating to simple affirmation or condemnation of individual chemicals and chemical classes, such as saturated fats. He provides a compelling description of the nature and evolution of the Western Diet, as well as the societal and economic reasons for its emergence and the health consequences that emerge from it.

In addition to discussing what to eat, Pollan provides some good tips on how. Basically, he suggests that people return to forms of eating more rooted in culture. Constant snacking, eating alone, and consuming massive portions are problematic even if the foodstuffs in question are relatively good. He also endorses gardening and cooking from scratch as ways of weeding out non-foods while also gaining more appreciation for the relationships involved in growth and eating.

Pollan provides a list of 24 bits of concise (and sometimes counterintuitive) advice. He provides some good tips on where and how to shop (avoid the centre of supermarkets – stick to the unprocessed foods at the edges). I was particularly delighted to learn about the strong case for how a glass of wine with dinner can do a fair bit to promote cardiovascular health. Since reading his previous book, I had already made some pretty significant dietary changes. Barring the occasional pot of Knorr soup, I have eaten virtually nothing that wasn’t “food” as he defines it. I have also been thinking a lot more about what I eat, where it comes from, how I prepare it, and so forth. Overall, the process has been meaningful and enjoyable.

It is pretty rare for me to buy a book and read it though in a day. The fact that I did with this one demonstrates both how engaging and accessible it is. For those wanting some sound dietary advice, rather than a more extensive discussion of the nature of various food systems, this book is well worth examining. I am planning to foist my copy onto as many people as possible.

The hopelessness of the voluntary

Old train station, Ottawa

Energy Saving Day in the United Kingdom has produced no measurable results. While this is a blow to the “everyone recycle your used Coke cans and we will be fine” form of environmentalism, it is less surprising to people who have a sense of the scale of the climate issue and an awareness of the (in)effectiveness of past voluntary efforts.

Even if the day had been successful, it would have been more about displacement than reduction. Consider the much touted ‘Buy Nothing Day‘ espoused by certain rejectors of the dominant consumerist culture. Even among those who observe the occasion scrupulously, it is plausible that overall consumption doesn’t fall at all: it just gets displaced to the days before and after. Overall, the idea that serious societal issues can be tackled through 24 hours of voluntary abstinence by a handful of devotees is profoundly flawed.

What is the alternative? Price carbon and de-carbonize infrastructure.

Contraction and convergence

The interim version of the Garnaut Review (mentioned earlier) includes a numberless graph illustrating what the principle of contraction and convergence in per capita greenhouse gas emissions would resemble:

Contraction and convergence graph from the Garnaut Review

A few features are especially notable. The first is the relative trajectories in the opening years. States with very high per capita emissions, like Australia and Canada, would have to reduce emissions sharply right from the outset. Rapidly growing poor states like China would be allowed to grow until per capita emissions are comparable to those in relatively low emission developed states, such as the EU. Gradually, everybody’s per capita emissions become lower and more similar.

This approach becomes a lot more politically feasible when you take these lines to represent emission allocations rather than actual emissions. Developing states would have a choice about how to use the extra space allocated for their development. They could opt to use the allocation for their own emissions, allowing the growth of GHG emitting industry; alternatively, they could sell the allocations to more developed states at a globally established market price. That way, poverty reduction and development goals could be served at the same time as total GHG emissions trend towards a sustainable level. The big advantage of allowing global trading is that it should equalize the international marginal cost of abatement. In simple terms, that means that it will ensure that the emissions that can be avoided at the lowest cost will be addressed first, minimizing the overall cost of mitigation.

The Garnaut Review rightly highlights that it would be incredibly politically difficult to establish such an international regime. At the same time, it is probably also right to say that a general approach that embraces contraction and convergence has the best chance of stabilizing global greenhouse gas emissions at a level that avoids dangerous anthropogenic interference in the climate system, and does so in a way that minimizes total costs and manages the distribution of costs and benefits in an acceptably fair manner.

New UNEP report: ‘In Dead Water’

This blog has documented a number of the most important threats facing fisheries and marine ecosystems, including over-exploitation, ocean acidification, harmful fish farming practices, invasive species, and climate change. A new report (PDF) put out by the United Nations Environment Program does a good job of summarizing all of these, as well as providing a good overall picture.

Major conclusions of the report make for sober reading:

  1. Half the World catch is caught in less than 10% of the ocean
  2. With climate change, more than 80% of the World’s coral reefs may die within decades
  3. Ocean acidification will also severely damage cold-water coral reefs and affect negatively other shell-forming organisms
  4. Coastal development is increasing rapidly and is projected to impact 91% of all inhabited coasts by 2050 and will contribute to more than 80% of all marine pollution
  5. Climate change may slow down ocean thermohaline circulation and continental shelf “flushing and cleaning” mechanisms crucial to coastal water quality and nutrient cycling and deep-water production in more than 75% of the World’s fishing grounds
  6. Increased development, coastal pollution and climate change impacts on ocean currents will accelerate the spreading of marine dead zones, many around or in primary fishing grounds
  7. Over-harvesting and bottom trawling are degrading fish habitats and threatening the entire productivity of ocean biodiversity hotspots, making them more vulnerable to climate change
  8. Primary fishing grounds are likely to become increasingly infested by invasive species, many introduced from ship ballast water
  9. The worst concentration of cumulative impacts of climate change with existing pressures of over-harvest, bottom trawling, invasive species, coastal development and pollution appear to be concentrated in 10–15% of the oceans concurrent with today’s most important fishing grounds
  10. A lack of good marine data, poor funding for ocean observations and an ‘out of sight – out of mind’ mentality may have led to greater environmental degradation in the sea than would have been allowed on land
  11. Substantial resources need to be allocated to reducing climate and non-climate pressures. Priority needs to be given to protecting substantial areas of the continental shelves. These initiatives are required to build resilience against climate change and to ensure that further collapses in fish stocks are avoided in coming decades

There is still some debate about which generation will experience the first reeling blows from climate change. It is increasingly clear that the young people of today will be alive to see the collapse of the world’s fisheries and coastal ocean ecosystems.

Business model patents

Lights outside Ottawa city hall

Intellectual property remains one of the most hotly contested areas in law and politics right now: with everything from the cost of patented drugs in third world countries to the illicit downloading of television shows under contention. What is important to recall throughout all of this is the reason for which the patent system exists: to encourage (a) innovation and (b) the disclosure of how new inventions work by offering a time-limited monopoly to the inventor. On the basis of this fundamental purpose, it seems fair to say that ‘business model’ patents should be eliminated.

A famous example is’s dubious patent on ‘one click shopping.’ To begin with, the idea probably fails the obviousness test. Something immediately obvious to almost anyone well-studied in the field is not supposed to be patentable. More crucially, the Amazon patent doesn’t represent genuine innovation, and it serves no public purpose to have the details explained in a patent. As such, society as a whole only suffers when such legal rights are granted.

A more recent case also illustrates the point. A couple in Utah is suing Starbucks and Apple for patent infringement. Starbucks is giving away gift cards that can be used to download particular music tracks from the iTunes music store. The couple claims that they have a patent on this idea. Can anybody legitimately claim that society would be better off if everybody who gave away such gifts cards had to pay licensing fees to the couple? You can argue that the premiums people pay for patented drugs are essential to ensuring that pharmaceutical firms have sufficient funds for further research; no comparable argument can be made for business model patents. Such patents are useless and parasitic and, as such, should be done away with.