LC^3T: Thunder Bay – Winnipeg

Batteries are drained: mental along with phone and music. I bought the wrong batteries for my iPod range extender, but may be able to correct the error when in Winnipeg.

I am meeting my cousin there, which should permit a shower, decent food, and mental refreshment.

I have been looking places up on Wikipedia as I pass through. You don’t learn much about them in a few minutes through a bus window. Bus stations, I can report, are highly uniform in content and appearance.

LC^3T: Sudbury – Thunder Bay

Most of this span will happen in darkness, with sunrise just a couple of hours from Thunder Bay.

So far, all the buses have been completely full, though nobody I have spoken to is going as far as I am. About a day from now, I will enter Manitoba for the first time.

The AAA power source for my iPod is working well, and I have finished more than 1/3 of a book.

Spoofing Canada on climate

Earlier today, pranksters impersonating Environment Canada issued a phony press release which contained new targets for greenhouse gas mitigation in Canada. While Canada’s actual targets are 20% below 2006 levels by 2020 (equivalent to about 3% below 1990 levels) and 60-70% below 2006 levels by 2050, the press release included the much more ambitious figures of 40% below 1990 levels by 2020 and over 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The release also made reference to a major transfer of funds to the developing world, as compensation for past harm and to encourage both mitigation and adaptation actions.

Compared to Canada’s real targets, the phony tougher targets are much more in line with an emissions pathway set up to reduce the risk of more than 2°C of warming. The stunt also draws attention to how Canada isn’t really negotiating in Copenhagen. We came in with a pair of targets that we say we will reach, regardless of what anyone else does, though we also frequently say that we won’t do anything until the US acts. Indeed, our environment minister was saying less than a month ago that Canada won’t take meaningful action for years. It should also be recalled that the government once promised that their intensity-based approach would lead to emissions peaking by 2012. Nobody mentions that pledge anymore.

The identities of those behind the stunt remain unknown. Hopefully, it will draw attention to Canada’s evasion and lack of ambition, prompting a genuine change of targets and approach soon.

Open thread: Canada and Afghan detainees

As anyone who reads the news knows, it has been alleged that many detainees passed on by Canadian troops to elements of the government of Afghanistan were subsequently tortured, and that the government of Canada was aware of this likelihood. If true, that could represent a violation of Canadian and/or international law on the part of both those who gave the orders to continue making the transfers and those who actually carried them out. Knowingly passing along a prisoner to an authority that will torture and abuse them is a violation of the Geneva Conventions, but it is not yet fully known what Canadian troops and officials knew or believed prior to making these transfers.

The latest development is a reversal of position by Walter Natynczyk, Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff. He now accepts that a man was taken into custody by Canadian soldiers in 2006 and subsequently severely beaten by Afghan interrogators.

Given that Canada cannot single-handedly reform the Afghan government and security services, this raises the question of how Canadian troops should be dealing with anyone who they capture during the course of Canada’s ongoing involvement in that country. Given that Afghanistan won’t be turning into a liberal-democratic state governed by the rule of law anytime soon, how should Canadian forces deployed there behave in the future?

Climate change and winter

Cracked wood

During the last few days, I have had a depressing number of people approach me quasi-triumphantly, pointing to either the CRU emails or the first winter snowfall as evidence that climate change is nothing to worry about.

Both comments are worrisome, given that we are in the midst of negotiations at Copenhagen that will play a significant role in determining whether we keep temperature rise under 2°C or not. The CRU emails already have a post of their own, but I thought I would say a couple of things about winter.

The latter argument – about the snow – is especially absurd. Climate change is about a shifting distribution of temperatures. There will always be extremes of hot and cold, it’s just that the former are becoming more frequent relative to the latter. That said, I recall reading about a study that found that most Canadians cannot explain why there are seasons at all, with a plurality offering the theory that is has to do with the distance between the Earth and the sun. Of course, our winter is summer in the southern hemisphere, which shows that this hypothesis cannot be valid. Winters are the consequence of the fact that the Earth rotates on an axis that is presently tilted 23.44° off from the direction of our orbit. That makes the length of days variable, and changes how the distribution of temperatures across the globe plays out. That level of tilt varies across geological time due to tidal forces. When the tilt is greater, the variation between the seasons is alo larger; when the tilt is lesser, the weather towards the poles remains more consistent year-round. The level of tilt has an affect on processes like glaciation.

This will continue to happen essentially forever, regardless of how much warming we experience. The distant polar regions will always experience months of darkness, and will thus always be colder than the equator during those spans. Indeed, this is a nice demonstration of what a massive amount of energy the sun adds to the Earth system. None of this disproves the fact that greenhouse gasses being added to the atmosphere warm the planetary system overall.

The two queries also highlight some potentially important psychological issues. People on both sides of the argument are sometimes overly quick to grab at any piece of evidence that seems to support what they already believe. In his book, Greg Craven goes on at some length about the importance of this ‘confirmation bias.’ Such sloppy reasoning is one reason why the climate change debate is so flawed. Hard as it can be to do so, we need to question data and sources of information even when they seem to confirm our existing beliefs – just as we must take into consideration sources and data that seem to contradict what we hold to be true. That doesn’t mean, however, that we should remain paralyzed forever, unable to take action due to uncertainty. We take precautionary action on the basis of uncertain threats all the time. A risk management approach to climate change is one where the preponderance of evidence is sufficient to drive preventative action.

Above and beyond that, I think the fact that people cheerily point to a snowfall to argue that the planet isn’t in danger shows that they don’t yet seriously appreciate how dangerous climate change could be. The fact that it is still often treated as a half-joking matter bodes ill for our ability to put our society on a course where the largest risks of catastrophic or runaway climate change can be avoided.

The Globe and Mail on fossil fuels and the oil sands

Construction site, LeBreton Flats, Ottawa

In an editorial that is reasonably good overall, The Globe and Mail is nonetheless too quick to assume that the oil sands are good for Canada: “A vital resource, the oil sands, are an economic advantage to Canada, indeed to North America as a whole. Sixty per cent of our natural gas is exported, and Canada is the U.S.’s largest source of crude oil. The fruits of emissions here are often enjoyed elsewhere” and that fossil fuels “remain vital assets that will serve as reliable sources of energy for the foreseeable future.” They also claim that: “Products from the oil sands are necessary and desirable.”

I have argued before that, when all the associated costs are taken into consideration, the oil sands may be net destroyers of human wealth and welfare. The most important of these costs is the degree to which extracting, processing, and burning fuels produced from the oil sands increases the risk of catastrophic climate change. If we use a very high but possible estimate for how sensitive the climate system is to greenhouse gas emissions (8°C of warming for each doubling of CO2 concentrations), burning the 1.7 trillion barrels of oil estimated to exist in the oil sands would alone be sufficient to increase mean global temperatures by 2°C. Even using the probable estimates of 3.5 – 4.5°C of warming, the oil sands represent a contribution to total cumulative human emissions that is seriously out of proportion to Canada’s population, or even the population of those who ultimately consume the fuels produced.

The oil sands represent the last gasp of a fossil fuel powered economy. Either because of hydrocarbon depletion or because of climatic concerns, we are inevitably going to have to give up fossil fuels anyhow. Given what we now know about the climate system and the potential impact humanity could have on it, we should be working on developing zero-carbon sources of energy – not on extracting the oil that is the hardest to reach, or which requires the most processing to be turned into usable fuels or products. Rather than picking at the bones of the fossil fuel carcass, we should be seeking out new forms of sustenance.

The Globe and Mail has a history of assuming that oil sands development is good for Canada. In fact, the best thing we could do for future generations of Canadians (and others around the world) is to leave that dangerous carbon in the ground, while pursuing the development of sustainable forms of energy.

Quoted on climate ethics in the Globe

I am mentioned and briefly quoted in a Globe and Mail article about climate change messaging, and the building of political will: Lowering the doom. Also quoted are James Hoggan, David Suzuki, William Rees, and others.

They quote part of my ‘libertarianism is no longer very liberating’ argument: “If we can accept that climate change causes harm to current and future generations,” he writes, “the argument that polluters have some right to keep behaving as they have in the past weakens considerably.”

Canada as a climate change pariah

Lauren Sweeney in the National Gallery, Ottawa

Organizations including the World Development Movement, the Polaris Institute, and Greenpeace have suggested that Canada be suspended from the Commonwealth due to its poor climate change policies.

While there is no prospect of that happening now, the situation does make you think about just how long Canada can continue to delay mitigation at home, even in the event that other states reach an agreement to cut their emissions. It doesn’t seem impossible that Canada could be one of the last hold-outs, when most of the world has started taking serious action on the issue. If so, campaigns to suspend Canada’s participation in international organizations, sporting bans, and the like could become both effective and appropriate. Canadians like to think that they are responsible members of the international community. As time goes by, contributing to the global climate change mitigation effort with be an increasingly important yardstick by which countries judge one another.

Monbiot’s open letter to Canada

In Monday’s Globe and Mail, British journalist George Monbiot penned an open letter to Canada about climate change. Monbiot points out how Canada “will be the only [Kyoto Protocol] signatory to wildly miss its targets,” and calls for Canada to curb oil sands development and engage more effectively in international negotiations. He argues that: “The oil-sands industry is causing damage out of all proportion to its value – not only to the world’s ecosystems but also to Canada’s.”

Along with Elizabeth May, he will be debating what action Canada should take on climate change, with Bjorn Lomborg and Nigel Lawson arguing that Canada should not undertake a strong response.