I will miss you all.
Seeing so many friends together is always a gratifying experience. On the brink of a long journey, it is always extremely comforting to know that you will be missed. In particular, it was good to see some of the people who I've been unable to see often of late, like Sasha and Greg. The party went exceedingly late, with the last guest leaving around 7am, and generally served as a very fitting prelude to my departure. I feel as though I should write more about it, but it's always easier to write about bad or frustrating times than good ones. In any case, photos are now online.
During these next few days, I need to finish packing - both things coming with me into suitcases and things staying into neatly stacked boxes. I will not be bringing any photographs, but I suspect I will be glad of the thousand or so that I've taken in the last week or so with the digital camera. The only problem with it has been the terrible flash metering: so bad it makes me wonder whether this particular camera is defective somehow. Perhaps I should exchange it.
Definitely not your most technically perfect photos, though I appreciate the difficulties of less-than-ideal light. I like this one.
I don't like how Photobucket arbitrarily re-sizes photos, but it's the only hosting service to which I have access.
I'm glad the whole departure thing is coming together. Don't forget to bring a few stress destroying books. I recommend Douglas Adams.
Other essential books to have at Oxford with you... I'd suggest His Dark Materials trilogy, though I can't imagine you leaving that behind in any case.
Remember that I will be living atop the Wadham College library and across the road from the Bodleian Library: the most comprehensive in England. While I would love to have my own well-thumbed and cryptically notorized copies of many books, the limitations on what I can bring have forced many sacrifices.
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