The day the damage stops

Produced with DiffussionBee and the prompt: “A large park-like area is decorated and filled with happy, friendly, and excited crowds to celebrate the decommissioning of the world’s last commercial oil well. Along with bands and balloons to celebrate the happy occasion, a portion of the area and the ceremony are devoted to solemn recognition and grieving for everything humanity and the Earth lost to climate change.”


Produced with DiffussionBee and the prompt: “High quality architectural 3D rendering of dense and affordable housing in Toronto, Canada in 2050 – include elements that show a car-free urban environment relying on walking, bicycles, and public transit. Show Copenhagen-style bicycle infrastructure and long parks where highways have been taken out”

Resisting fossil fuel recruitment at universities

A tactic that has developed in parallel to campus fossil fuel divestment campaigns has been activists resisting on-campus recruitment by fossil fuel corporations. With an industry that needs to be rapidly phased out to avoid climatic catastrophe, it doesn’t make sense to be training new people to join.

The UK eNGO People & Planet has a fossil free careers campaign. Birkbeck, University of London has banned fossil fuel firms from its career service. This month, three other UK universities did the same.

UN secretary general António Guterres recently said: “My message to you is simple: don’t work for climate wreckers. Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.”