Farewell to Capadocia

Schoolchildren in Goreme, Cappadocia, Turkey

Another fourteen hour bus ride begins at 8:00pm tonight. As such, we are spending our final hours in Goreme. We explored the open air museum and provided songs and candy to a music class at the local school. Soon, we will be lugging our big packs down to Hassan’s (as we call the Goreme Restaurant) for our final meal there. We have been partaking of their mezze – hummous and vegetable type spreads eaten on white bread – every night since arriving. We also had a dramatic evening of raki and backgammon last night. Turks may hate me for saying it, but I prefer the Greek ouzo to the Turkish licorice liquor offering because it has more flavour.

As if to hurry us on our way, menacing clouds have rolled in and we experienced the first bit of drizzle since arriving.

First Turkey photos

Those wanting an early peek at my photos from Turkey can have a look at the images I uploaded to Facebook this evening:

Since the machines in cafes do not have Photoshop and have poorly calibrated monitors, these images are entirely unmodified. The more patient among you can wait for more nicely presented images in about six days, as well as for my scanned photos from film in two weeks or so.

Note that I will add the most attractive appropriate photo to each of these blog posts, upon my return to Oxford. I will also build the posts and images into the standard places in the site architecture.

Educational visit

Schoolboy in Goreme, Cappadocia, Turkey

Most of today was spent in and around a local school. It was my father’s idea, and I was somewhat uncomfortable with it to begin with. To me, it seems to lack propriety to go wandering too far into the lives of strangers. That said, they did seem happy enough to have us.

We were shown around the classrooms and the computer lab and then introduced to the English teacher. Later in the afternoon, we played outside with about ten of the children. A first grader named Ussuf trounced me at basketball – thirteen to six – but he did have a habit of double counting his own points and of initiating quite aggressive fouls. Like the ping pong later, it seemed to be appreciated by all. My father lost an extended match, best of three sets of eleven points, with the English teacher, who is also the ping pong coach, and now we are apparently obligated to return tomorrow with a large bottle of cola and at least one English song. Not standard tourist stuff, decidedly.

Tomorrow will be our final day in Goreme and in Cappadocia. Ivanka returns to Crimea the day after, and my father and I return to Oxford on the 16th. Admittedly, the thought of the two essays and three draft thesis chapters that I need to write by early January is becoming a bit daunting.

Goreme stargazing

Stargazing equipment

Last night, Ivanka and I decided to brave the cold so as to get a view of the starfield, far removed from city lights. While we were stymied somewhat by the haze that exists as thickly here as in Istanbul, we nevertheless got quite a spectacular view. Stars that have been obscured for the whole of my time in Oxford were visible to the extent that it was challenging to pick out familiar constellations within the multitude. The view of the town from above, with tungsten and fluorescent lights throwing complementary colour casts, was also worth the climb and the exposure.

I now have more empathy towards astronomers who freeze themselves on windswept mountaintops, so as to capture astounding images of the sky.

A postal query

Every time I go on vacation, I need to verify at least twelve postal addresses belonging to friends who move often or live in multiple places. I should develop some kind of web registry where people can update their information, but where not just anyone can read it. I would not recommend posting them as comments, as I am presently immersed in a shooting war with various spammers who want to hock pills and stolen software to my esteemed readership.

In the mean time, friends anywhere are encouraged to email me their addresses (to milan dot ilnyckyj at politics dot ox dot ac dot uk). If I get more than twenty requests, I will probably only fill the first twenty. After all, I have already sent about eighteen.

Within volcanic rock

Tree and Ihlara Valley

By taking us further than we could have gone on our own, today’s tour was very worthwhile. Starting in Goreme, we visited the eight story underground city of Derinkuyu: hewn from solidified lava and used by Christians to hide from attacking Arab armies. The amount of effort that must have gone into construction must have been immense, with dozens of large rooms per level and hundreds or thousands of tonnes worth of rock to extract to the surface. While both my father and I found some of the passages extremely low – I was hunched over with my small backpack scraping the ceiling – many of the rooms were impressively large.

After a forty-five minute drive through tiny villages and barren countryside, we arrived at the lip of the Ihlara Valley. The small river at the bottom, about as substantial as Mosquito Creek in North Vancouver, is the only running water we have seen so far in Turkey. The canyon was somewhat deeper than Capilano Canyon, and was likewise composed of layers of hardened lava from nearby volcanoes. Walking through it, we had a chance to get to know the other members of the group. I got to talk shop with a fellow photo enthusiast wielding a Leica rangefinder.

After walking down the valley for an hour, we had lunch and headed over to the Selime Monastary. Like the underground city, it was composed of rooms carved from volcanic rock. It was unusual in that it was carved into some of the large conical rock structures that are all over the countryside here. Inside are about fifty rooms, some large cathedric spaces with upper galleries. The whole place was like the ultimate fantasy of any child who has built a fort, and it ranks among the most enjoyable things we have seen in Turkey. Leaving the tour group to explore some galleries and passages with Ivanka – my headlamp and MagLite being put to use – was excellent fun.

Most tours in Turkey seem to involve a ‘demonstration,’ in which the group gets led through the shop of a very expensive merchant and given apple tea. Today’s was a shop dealing in precious and semi-precious stones. To me, all the jewellery, vases, and miscellaneous other things looked just like the stuff that gets trucked out at garage sales and sold at second hand shops. It may be made of Onyx and weigh three times as much but, to my eye, it looks exactly like the cheap plastic knockoff and just as ugly.

To those who find themselves in Goreme, I recommend Andromeda Tours (though agencies and hotels seem to change names often here). Their price was good for a tour that went so far, had such a capable guide, and included a good lunch.

Tomorrow’s plan is fairly amorphous, but will probably centre around walking in the countryside and visiting the open air museum. Tonight, the plan is raki and backgammon, followed by a traditional Turkish dinner being made by the family that owns the place where we are staying.

Best wishes to all, from cold fingers.

Photo backup

I’ve copied the 160 or so digital photos that I have taken so far onto this internet cafe computer. Due to a less-than-zippy internet connection, it would take about ten hours to transmit the 155 megabyte file. As such, I have squirreled it away in a system folder, to return to when I can come back with my USB memory stick. The only alternative would be sacrificing all the music on my iPod Shuffle, which would hardly be wise with another noisy fourteen hour bus ride in a few days’ time. Simon & Garfunkel, along with my noise isolating Etymotic ER6i headphones, are the only reason I got any sleep last night.

The reason for burying the folder with my images is mostly an observation that dozens of people have left similar little caches of Turkish holiday snaps in more conventional places. There is some voyeuristic pleasure to be gleaned from skimming over them. They range from shots so professional that I am tempted to steal them to those that would prompt me to offer the photographer a few basic lessons.

With the sun down, it is now well and truly too cold to type in this unheated and open-doored cafe. Adieu until tomorrow.

Visiting Turkey’s chilly interior

Turkish mezze

Typing with gloves on, it seems appropriate to note that Cappadocia is much colder than Istanbul. As we walked through a valley of odd sedimentary rock formations beside the town of Goreme, there was still a thick layer of frost on the shaded patches of browned grass. The general feel of the place is that of a desert at night: as became apparent as I first glanced out the bus window as the dawn was breaking.

Goreme is definitely a tourist town in an off season. After eight hours here, we know most of the tourists by name. Of the nine hotels we looked into, two were unlocked but entirely unmanned. In the end, we chose to stay at the Panorama Pension, which has some excellent rooms and a very friendly family as owners and operators. The yoghurt and fruit syrup (I will need to look up the name when I have my food book with me) that they served along with breakfast was superb. I am looking forward to the traditional Turkish dinner, modified to be more vegetarian, that we have been promised for one of our three nights. A word of warning to devout vegetarians or vegans travelling in Turkey: almost all cooked meals, from kebobs to rice pilav, apparently involve meat or seafood broth. Apparently, most restaurants do not consider such broths to negate the ‘vegetarian’ status of a dish. I am pragmatic enough to accept consumption of such as the price for not surviving on pretzels for the next seven days.

Tomorrow, we are going on a tour that takes in 200km worth of sights that we would never have been able to reach by our own devices. That said, the 25 Lira (C$20) cost of renting a moped for a day is somewhat tempting. I’ve never ridden such a vehicle, and this might be an unusually good place to try it out – with the minor caveat that hospital facilities are probably far distant. The five seconds or so I once spent riding Astrid’s moped on campus at UBC have made me curious about further exposure.

After fourteen hours on the bus with negligible sleep, I have no doubt that I will sleep well tonight. Likewise, given a shower with a ‘hot’ tap that delivers liquid no warmer than the air, I am sure I will wake up well also.

My Name is Red

This morning, I finished Orhan Pamuk’s My Name is Red. The fact that I left the last fifteen pages of this mystery story unread for a day is not a good sign. Indeed, each of the potential murderers was so similar that the final revelation felt a bit trivial. One pretentious and vindictive illustrator rapidly blurs together with all the others. Likewise, the potentially interesting commentary about European influences on Islamic art quickly became repetitive. The best part about the book were the vignettes presented by the coffee shop storyteller, as he personified a gold coin, a dog, and other similar things. I also very much appreciate my mother’s consideration in sending me such a book just before my trip to Turkey.

Given Pamuk’s acclaim, it seems most sensible to say that the book was simply not for me. Just as I can appreciate bits of Joyce, without appreciating the sweep of his longer books, the same can be said with regard to this novel. Time permitting, I will read my father’s copy of Pamuk’s non-fiction book Istanbul over the remainder of the trip.

More Turkish neighbourhoods

Mosque detail, Fatih Istanbul

We managed to stike out a bit more from Istanbul’s standard tourist track today: visiting the university and a more conservative neighbourhood called Fatih. It made for quite a lot of walking, altogether, but it offered more of a glimpse into how city dwellers here generally live. Ivanka’s ability to pick up a smattering of Turkish very quickly has been quite impressive. She is already able to communicate desires and numbers to shopkeepers: something far beyond the capacity of my father or I. Probably, spending the last few months living just across the Black Sea has been useful, for her, in this regard.

Starting in one hour, we have a fourteen hour bus journey to Cappadocia. During the ride, I mean to sleep, write a second battery of twelve or so postcards, and give a more comprehensive look to the language book that Antonia gave me (I have already finished the one on food, and look forward to trying some Raki). We will be staying in a place called Goreme, which supposedly caters a bit more to the backpacking sort than to your standard tourists. We will be spending four days and three nights there and given how it is generally listed along with Ephesis as an essential tourist spot, I am quite sure there will be internet access.