Mica’s ‘Jock Rock’ video came first in the sixth Google Idol pop music video competition. Previously, his video for ‘Walk Idiot Walk’ won their first rock video competition.
Right now, his video for ‘I Bet That You Look Good on the Dance Floor’ is in the grand final of the 4th rock video competition. Please take a minute and go vote. The competition ends on the 17th and, when last I heard, he was trailing behind the other competitor.
Google Idol seems to have changed their name to ‘bopsta’ because of the rather problematic fact that they didn’t have permission to use ‘Google’ or ‘Idol’ in their name. It’s true that people did often incorrectly assume that they actually had something to do with Google, other than using their video service for free hosting.
Relevant links:
- Mica’s website
- The Jock Rock video (Google Video)
- I Bet That You Look Good on the Dance Floor video (Google Video)
- Walk Idiot Walk video (Google Video)
- Mica’s thank-you video after first winning a Google Idol competition
I thought it was to do with Google.
I’m somewhat disturbed you need permission to use ‘Idol’ in a name though…