The Gruff in Toronto

People in Toronto should consider seeing the excellent folk band The Gruff at the Dakota Tavern tonight (249 Ossington Avenue). Their concert in Ottawa on Wednesday was great fun.

Here are some samples:

More are here.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

9 thoughts on “The Gruff in Toronto”

  1. They sound excellent. If I were in Toronto, I would definitely check them out.

  2. I loved them! Such a lovely evening. I bought one of their CDs (A Trail of Missing Thoughts) and listened to it all day, but now I want to hear the other one too!

  3. Vancouverites, go see The Gruff tomorrow night (Monday, September 1st) at Cafe Deux Soleil on Commercial Drive. They are amazing.

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