(220), (210), (241), (310), (250)
(350), (380), (317), (271), (346)
(222+1), (212), (302), (258), (280)
(127), (100), (556), (452+1), (599)
(621), (633), (590), (392), (387)
(414), (423), (539), (572), (157)
(142), (128), (189), (529+2), (412)
(361+1), (351), (200), (229), (174)
(409), (440), (594), (532), (539)
(608), (259+1), (310), (271), (100)
(143), (98), (478), (530), (599)
(369+1), (343), (321), (370), (375)
(389), (413), (530), (58), (79)
(33), (87), (211+1), (251), (346)
(556), (608), (631), (640), (546)
(579), (549), (492), (481), (429)
(336), (387), (442+1), (219), (213)
(439), (450), (551), (632), (245)
(396+1), (589), (539), (418), (499)
(422), (460+2)
Hint: second Beale cipher.
Here is something easier, for the frustrated.
Perhaps a Sunday cipher should become a regular feature. With prizes?
(136), (154), (245), (383), (333)
(286+2), (297), (156), (171), (161)
(549), (645), (17)
I am one of the frustrated… I cannot solve the easier one either, because I do not know what it is??? Is it some sort of code cracking or someting with mathematics?
These are relatively simple cryptographic challenges. You use the clues to decode the text. Then, to prove that you figured it out, you write a response in the same code
For example, you might see a message like:
To decipher it, you need to switch the order of each successive pair of letters. Then it give the plaintext:
To prove that you figured it out, you could write:
In terms of figuring out what the clues mean, Google is your friend.
You may find this information helpful.
What’s the story behind the smattering of plus one’s and plus two’s?
Why write (211+1) instead of (212)?
These Beale ciphers seem decidedly fishy.
Why write (211+1) instead of (212)?
Because the numbers before and after the addition sign represent different things.
The second Beale Cipher is a type of book cipher, so we can assume the scheme above is the same. “M’s PL, XII” is most plausibly Milton’s Paraside Lost, book 12.
The numbers probably correspond to lines in the book: either the first words or the first letters. The (X+1) entries may be a way of dealing with rare letters.