Revision and diversion

Wadham high table

Understandably enough, anxiety about exams is peaking. Of course, there isn’t a huge amount that can be done about it now. All I can do is spend the weekend reading, thinking, and perhaps writing some more practice exams.

This evening did feature a couple of very nice asides from revision. Emma kindly showed me around Magdalen for a bit – demonstrating just how extensive the college is. Between the Deer Park and the Water Meadow, there is probably more area in grassy space than all of Wadham occupies. Afterwards, I had my second-to-last dinner in college, featuring some very interesting conversation about Marquez, Joyce, Kundera, and Nabokov. For the second time in the last few weeks, I have promised to share some of my slam poetry collection.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

5 thoughts on “Revision and diversion”

  1. I managed to wander into a third interesting diversion, in the process of trying to make my one ‘white’ dress shirt actually white. (I need to wear it for exams, you see).

    While it was being exposed to enzymes and bleach (which didn’t do a wonderful job), I found myself across the street having an engaging conversation. Naturally, it had nothing to do with upcoming exams.

    The degree to which what is going on around you is interesting is always inversely proportional to how urgently you need to work…

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