Trinity in two days

Welcome graffiti

Being able to cycle around Oxford without a jacket is most enjoyable. With the thesis submitted and nothing to worry about other than a couple of essays and exams, Trinity term should be a warm and relatively relaxing end to the Oxford experience.

Of course, the four three-hour exams in the middle of June will keep it from being too relaxing. Likewise, the two research papers on international law and the need to complete whatever ‘core’ reading hasn’t been completed over the last two years. Going all the way back to notes from September 2005 on the causes of WWI, then all the way through IR theory, twentieth century history, the developing world, and international law will be a good bit of work. That said, it will also be our first opportunity to see the M.Phil program as an integrated whole, even if we are expressly forbidden from repeating material from the core seminars in the exams for the optional papers, and vice versa.

I am sure everyone is looking forward to the period between June 16th and 29th. Our exams will be done, but we are all required to stay in Oxford in case the examiners decide to give us an oral examination on the 29th. I will be able to get the last college for my photo collection, as well as finally try the whole punting/croquet/Pimms afternoon that is the stereotypical Oxford summer activity.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

6 thoughts on “Trinity in two days”

  1. The weather is certainly gorgeous at the moment. Good luck finishing up your thesis.

  2. Good to see you’re already queuing up the next tranche of stress. ;-)

    Thought from the post you may have got the BT over with – will be in touch.

  3. Antonia,

    The euphemisms friends of mine use for the thesis tend to bewilder me.

    Much work remains to be done on the thesis. I also need to work out when/where I am going to have it printed. There are places in London that will do it in five hours… Unfortunately, this one is only open Monday to Friday.

  4. I noticed there’s some sort of free diy binding thing in the SSL photocopier room today. I only had a cursory look, because I think it said up to 120 pages – probably enough for you (mine was 100), but no good to me any more so I didn’t investigate further.

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