Worrying about debt more than climate change is like being upset that someone is cutting your heart out because it is staining your clothes.
climate change activist and science communicator; event photographer; amateur mapmaker — advocate for a stable global climate, reduced nuclear weapon risks, and safe human-AI interaction
Worrying about debt more than climate change is like being upset that someone is cutting your heart out because it is staining your clothes.
Public debt had leapt, though, by the end of the pandemic, and this is what the NCP fought her on: a pretty straightforward, Cameroonian case that everyone needed to tighten their belts, and this meant slashing welfare spending. It is a manoeuvre we will all recognise from 2010, peddling as masochism what is actually sadism, soothing an anxious nation with the promise of austerity for other people. Yet it is quite conventional centre-right thinking, and probably not comparable to the rest of Europe, where rightwing parties have planted themselves on more populist, ethno-nationalist territory.