Princeton is not only divesting but ‘dissociating’ from fossil fuel corporations:
Divestment is a decision to refuse to invest in a company or set of companies and entails the sale of all securities associated with a company, including both direct and indirect investments, and precludes the repurchasing of those securities.
Dissociation means also refraining, to the greatest extent possible, from any relationships that involve a financial component with a particular company. It includes no longer soliciting or accepting gifts or grants from a company, purchasing the company’s products, or forming partnerships with the company that depend upon the exchange of money.
Every highly reputable school that acts makes it easier for others to say yes and harder to justify continued fossil fuel investment.
Metrics, Principles, and Standards for Dissociation from Fossil Fuels at Princeton University
A Report prepared by Princeton University’s Faculty Panel on Fossil Fuel Dissociation
Submitted to the Administrative Committee on May 12, 2022 with minor revisions incorporated on May 27, 2022.
Princeton Will Stop Taking Oil Money. Now the Pressure Is on Harvard, MIT, and Columbia.
Rich, elite institutions should stop taking donations from the fossil fuel industry immediately, to preserve the integrity of their climate research.