My supervisors have been encouraging me to switch thesis topics. I find myself resisting because the proposed alternative topic has very little to do with the intersection between environmental and indigenous politics, which I judge to be the most important ongoing change in the contemporary politics of the United States and Canada.
At the same time, while I have made a significant effort to come to grips with indigenous politics in the context of climate change politics, I have also often felt contradicted and confused, unable to discern confidently which interpretation may be most robust and useful. It may well be that I just don’t know enough about them to make a PhD research project with that focus feasible to complete over the next two years.
If you look at my initial long proposal and my subsequent shorter proposal, you can see a few of the reasons why I think this intersection is so interesting and important.
I’m still thinking it through.
There was also this effort at reformulating the pipeline proposal.
I am aiming to get the first preliminary draft of a divestment-based proposal to my supervisors and committee members tomorrow.
If your proposal rings true to your core, than go with it. You are smart, caring, hardworking and passionate. That is much more than most of us have.