My friend Andrea Simms-Karp – whose excellent previous albums include Sleeper and Hibernation Nation – has a new album available to stream for free or download for whatever price you choose: Barn Raising.
All the tracks feature her impressive vocals, most are her songwriting, and I have been enjoying it thoroughly. I especially like “Dolly Cassette“.
Author: Milan
In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford.
Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.
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