Somehow, this coming week is shaping up to be even more insane than the weeks so far this term.
I have to grade all the papers from my international relations students by Thursday (after re-reading the papers they are based on), as well as do the reading for this week’s tutorials and teach them on Monday.
I have two papers of my own to write: a book review for my ‘incomplete conquests’ class and a paper for my Canadian politics core seminar on: “Does the Canadian study of federalism suffer from too much or too little theory?” (I don’t even know what that means!)
I have two sections of the divestment brief due tomorrow, hundreds of emails to answer (as always), two term paper topics to decide on and begin researching, the Termly General Meeting on Tuesday night, and all the ordinary reading for next week’s three classes.
I also need to send my 24-70 lens back to Canon because, in fixing the fall damage, they broke the autofocus/manual focus switch. Plus, there is lots of routine stuff that has piled up, like six issues of The Economist to read.