Demonstrating British Columbia’s beauty

One of the big reasons for opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline is because of how 200 oil tankers a year would threaten the coast of British Columbia.

I think everyone who has seen that coastline understands its beauty and ecological importance. At the same time, I suspect the idea can be made more salient for people by showing them photos and video of the areas that could be affected if the pipeline goes through.

It’s not clear what the most effective approach would be for reminding people about what is at stake. Really there is a spectrum of possibility, ranging from fantastic shots taken by talented photographers on top-notch gear and shown in magazines and galleries to amateur shots taken by visitors and ordinary British Columbians and uploaded to Facebook or Flickr.

In all likelihood, many approaches will be tried simultaneously. For my own part, I have been thinking about a potential photo show that would incorporate photos of the B.C. coast as well as photos from the successful protests against the Keystone XL pipeline, which took place in Washington D.C.. Toronto may not be the most appropriate venue for that, since people here don’t have much of a personal emotional stake in the integrity of west coast ecosystems.

Perhaps I should try and find the time to set up yet another website, where people could contribute photos from B.C. and explain why they oppose the Northern Gateway pipeline…

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

4 thoughts on “Demonstrating British Columbia’s beauty”

  1. The simplest option would be to post photos of B.C. on BuryCoal. That might be preferable to creating a site just for showing such photos.

    I am trying to convince the UBC Yachting and SCUBA clubs to ask their members to help with pipeline opposition. A tanker spill could really make a mess of the coast.

    They could definitely pose for colourful photos, as groups. A bunch of people in SCUBA gear with a big ‘stop Northern Gateway’ sign might be an effective visual.

  2. My friend Kate sent me some good materials that show off the beauty of British Columbia and/or make the case against the Northern Gateway pipeline:


    Produced by EP Films and iLCP

    iLCP teamed up with EP FIlms to create a documentary that tells the story of the threats facing the Great Bear Rainforest and the continued efforts of the First Nations communities and conservations groups to protect this wild landscape.

    Perhaps someone could show a screening of this somewhere? College and university campuses might be an ideal venue.

    There is also: Mountain Surf Adventures >> Standup4Greatbear Documentary

    And: Skeena Swim 2009 Trailer

    Awakening the Skeena – RPFF 2011 Teaser

    Double Haul Productions >> Awakening the Skeena

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