Due to a recent federal court ruling, a long-standing disclosure exemption for the mining industry has been repealed. Previously, mining firms were not obliged to determine and disclose the toxic compounds present in their waste rock and tailings ponds. Apparently, environmental groups have been seeking to get rid of the exemption for sixteen years. American firms have had to obey similar disclosure rules for a decade now.
Data going back to 2006 will be made available on Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI).
Author: Milan
In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford.
Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.
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Federal court orders mining disclosure
By Dianne Saxe on tailings
The mining industry wanted to report in some special, separate framework, not through NPRI. Despite prolonged negotiations over many years, the data was not reported, either through NPRI or otherwise. In frustration, the NGOs turned to the courts, and won.
Justice Russell brushed aside Environment Canada’s defence that this is a legislative and policy matter, not one for the courts, and that it is free to decide what data to collect and when it will be reported. Nor was he content to leave the issue with the government to resolve at some undetermined future date. Instead, Justice Russell said, Environment Canada owes the people of Canada a full and accurate report on the pollutants being dumped in our environment. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, cannot mean that Canadians are to have information about an industry’s pollution only when that industry agrees. Environment Canada’s current practice “amounts to turning a blind eye to relevant information that all stakeholders agree should appear in a national inventory”. As a result, “the Canadian public is deprived of information concerning a significant source of pollution in Canada and concerning the environmental and health risks that releases of such pollutants pose for Canadians.”
Nak’azdli blockade enters second day, Mt Milligan mining project proponent threatens legal action
Tuesday November 16 2010
As a First Nation Blockade of work on the Mount Milligan open pit mine site continues for a second day the mine site owner threatened legal action against the blockaders.
The blockade was set up Monday afternoon by Howard Sam and Wayne Sam, holders of adjoining keyohs, traditional First Nation landholdings. The proposed mine would be a deep, wide pit mine straddling the boundary between the two keyohs.
Wes Carson, a Terrane Metals representative, visited the blockade tuesday afternoon and told the blockaders his company plans to minimize the environmental impacts of the proposed mine.
The keyoh holders said this is the first time the company has ever talked to them.
Carson said Terrane, a subsidiary of the American mining company Thompson Creek Metals, wants to do things right. He said they don’t want to repeat the mistakes of all the other mines in BC. They said that they didn’t know who to talk to but now they know.
The Keyoh Holders told Carson they could organize a meeting with all the family members from the affected keyohs. Carson at first agreed and said they would do anything to help.
He said that he would return the next day to talk to the keyoh holders again but then asked the Sams to remove the blockade. When the keyoh holders would not remove the blockade Carson said Terrane is starting legal proceedings.
Nak’azdli Indian Band Councillors Rosemarie Sam and Charlie Sam joined two dozen other people on the blockade to support the keyoh holders.
“The Royal Proclamation of 1763 signed by King George the Third said the Indians must be protected and the resources must be protected,” said Charlie Sam. “We never sold our land. Show us the deed and the bill of sale and we will remove our blockade.”