End of the shoulder season?

In anticipation of the season itself, the pervasive heat of summer seems to have arrived. A winter’s worth of unfamiliarity means that, every few minutes, my brain starts assessing just why it is so curiously hot. Am I standing near a burner that has been left on? Am I beside a recently used shower?

One possibility I am considering for this summer is a relatively low-cost, low-energy cooling system of my own devising. My basement is large and markedly cooler than my flat. I am curious whether opening the windows down there and then placing fans at the bottom and top of the stairs might generate a flow of cooling air.

It would be overkill right now, but I may feel differently in August.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

6 thoughts on “End of the shoulder season?”

  1. there are definitly interesting things you can do to create low energy, cheap, cooling solutions. Preferably, they should involve a lot of ducting. Mostly so you can use duct tape, and if people ask you what you are using it for, you can say “ducting, of course”.

  2. Environment Canada issues tornado alerts
    After a sweaty weekend, strong winds knock down trees, damage property in Southwestern Ontario


    With reports from The Canadian Press

    June 9, 2008

    As dark and menacing clouds rolled in last night after a weekend of sweaty heat, Environment Canada warned many residents in Southern Ontario – including those in the Toronto area – to watch out for tornadoes arriving along with the thunderstorms that hit much of the region.

  3. Heat wave!

    Environment Canada’s David Phillips is calling for yet another hotter than average summer, and in many Canadian cities, people are wriggling in their office chairs, waiting to enjoy some sun. But the novelty of a hot weekend will wear off soon, as the muggy summer overstays its welcome.

    Turning on the air conditioner, then retreating to your own private Inuvik might seem like the thing to do, but Canada’s hyper-consumption of energy is one of the reasons the summers are getting hotter. To reduce your impact on the climate, while trying to beat the heat, try a swim in a public pool or beach. Even if a clean beach isn’t available, just walking along the sand and enjoying the breeze can be a sweet relief. Or try a walk to the park, to have a quiet moment beneath a shady tree. For those restless, muggy nights, try placing a pot of water full of ice cubes between yourself and a fan. That will help keep you cool, without using nearly as much power as an air conditioner. If that doesn’t do the trick, a cold shower before bed will help you hit the hay gently.

  4. East coast summers and winters make me think that I should acquire land in a place where it would be tolerable to live, year round, with neither heating nor cooling in one’s dwelling. Then I remember that, in situations where no such energy is available, property deeds will probably just be meaningless pieces of paper.

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