For those wanting more information on climate science and policy than they are getting from here, these are some blogs to consider:
- Gristmill: Diverse, accessible, and very frequently updated
- R-Squared Energy Blog: Written by an oil expert, mostly about petroleum and biofuels
- RealClimate: Usually very detailed and quite technical, raw climatic science
- ClimateEthics: Infrequent posts, but long and complex ones
- DeSmogBlog: Fairly similar to Gristmill. Sometimes has very interesting information
- The Oil Drum: More than you will ever want to know about hydrocarbons
No matter what your appetite for climate information in blog form, those should satisfy it.
Are there any others that people read and would recommend?
Other environmental blogs I read:
Shifting Baselines: Excellent, but not usually about climate
Environmental Economics
Environmental and Urban Economics
Green Living Ottawa
The Good Life Blog
Clean Break
The Globe and Mail – Inside Energy