The first day back has been especially eventful, though it is better to get some rest than to spend much time writing about. It was particularly good to see Jonathan and Meaghan, as well as the Bard on the Beach production of Julius Caesar that I saw with my family. Running into Astrid after the show was also a nice surprise, especially given how I didn’t manage to see her during my previous visit to Vancouver.
Every time I visit Vancouver, I am reminded of the fundamental mathematical difficulty of arranging a collection of gatherings with a large and busy group of friends. With a variable number of events, each of which could occur on any of several days and involve any of a moderately sized group of people, the number of permutations easily runs into the thousands. I shall do my utmost to see everyone at least once, with apologies to those who are inconvenienced by how things fall out.
With luck, I will be able to pick up a cell phone with an Ottawa number while I am here. If so, it will make coordination an easier task.