Richard Horton’s presentation to the Global Economic Government program was probably the most passionate I’ve seen in the past two years. He is certainly the only person who spoke at such a loud volume for an entire hour. Much of what he said was quite interesting, particularly in terms of the relationship between development and health and the peculiarities of the World Health Organization.
My notes are on the wiki.
People interested in global health, development, trans-national civil society, and the like should definitely have a peek.
Author: Milan
In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford.
Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.
View all posts by Milan
Some interesting sounding talks from the upcoming week:
“Emotion Management in the Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms”
Dr Bettina Lange, Lecturer, Law School, Keele University
Monday 21 May 2007, 16:30-18:00, Seminar Room D, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford
Organiser: Socio-Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law and Regulation Seminar Series
“Environmental governance through information”
Prof Arthur Mol, James Martin 21st Century School Fellow and Chair of Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University
Tuesday 22 May 2007, 4.30 – 6pm, Board Room
Organiser: OUCE Research Seminar Series
“Who, what and when? Progress in the BIG questions in astronomy”
Dr Chris Lintott, Junior Research Fellow, Somerville College and Oxford Astrophysics Department. He is also co-presenter with Sir Patrick Moore on BBC’s Sky at Night
Wednesday 23 May, 6:30pm, E P Abraham Lecture Theatre, Green College
Organiser: jeff.burley@green.ox.ac.ukat Green College. Please email to reserve seats as capacity is limited to 100 persons.
“Biological Responses to Rapid Climate Change at the Late-Glacial / Holocene Transition: Dynamics, Diversity, Turnover and Rates of Change.”
John Birks, University of Bergen.
Wednesday 23 May, 1-2pm, OUCE Board Room, South Parks Road
Organiser: Biodiversity Research Seminars
“Climate change, extreme weather and public-private Insurance partnerships”
Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Director or the Risk and Vulnerability Programme, IIASA
Chaired by Dr Nathan Hultman, Visiting Fellow, James Martin Institute, ECI
Wednesday 23 May, 12:30 -2:00pm, Lecture theatre 5, Said Business School
Organiser: Said Business School
“How will plants respond to global atmospheric change? From genes to fields”
Prof. Stephen P Long, Robert Emerson Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Crop Science, University of Illinois
Thursday 24 May, 4:00pm, Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences
Organiser: Professor Chris Leaver, Department of Plant Sciences
“The logic of deforestation in Brazil: an historical perspective”
Dr Jose Augusto Padua, Visiting Fellow, Centre for Brazilian Studies
Friday 25th May, 2pm, OUCE Boardroom
Organiser: Environmental Change Institute
One need not worry about finding things to do when not revising.
You wouldn’t expect the editor of a major medical journal to be so aggressive and critical.
I met Richard Horton at Peace through Health in Canada in 2005 and was also surprised, and inspired.
Please see
Tsunami Chaos Global Heart: using complexity science to rethink and make a better world. at http://www.femmefractal.com/tsunami.htm or by Googling Tsunami, Chaos and Global Heart,.
P 183 is “Science in the service of peace and human development,” inspired by meeting Lancet Editor Richard Horton in 2005 at the Lancet McMaster Peace through Health initiative, and with whom I discussed these ideas.
health p 117, peace p 173, medicine 273, poverty and development from p 229 and from 241.
Essentially chaos and complexity is the meta science for the complexities of the 21st century world which is already being used for real world complexities in peace, poverty and development – p 315- 2007 update “Complexity already at work.”
and the following illustrates nicely this idea for human dynamic interactions.
and as real science The prestigious Japan Prize for Science and Technology was awarded ffor thsi a few years ago.