Brief Parisian hello

Mike Kushnir with bike

Hilary and I have arrived safely in Paris and passed a very enjoyable evening in Mike’s company. A longer description, along with photos, will appear at a time when I am not sitting outside with a borrowed laptop, accessing the web courtesy of someone’s unsecured access point. People who have ‘must see’ suggestions for this city are encouraged to post a comment about them.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

4 thoughts on “Brief Parisian hello”

  1. I went to Paris last year and I have a couple of favourites. I love the Pompadou Centre. It’s a good example of disruptive architecture, it has an endoskeleton on the outside of the building and the funkiest water fountain ever. (also starbucks is nearby if you’re homesick). The Centre also houses some great modern art galleries on the inside. Very cool.

    My second fave spot are the catacombs under the city. When you get off the metro look for the mysterious black door across the street. These tunnels run for miles and miles and are filled with skeletons from the late 18th century. The tour is only a few blocks long, and a lot of fun. By the time I got to the end my own shadow made me jump! :-) Make sure you bring a small flashlight (there are lights but I found them a bit low) and a jacket/hat as it’s a bit drippy.

    Another overlooked tour, which is quite unusual is Les Egouts. Yes, the sewers! Its’ near the Eiffel Tower.

    I also highly recommend the walking tours which were only 12 euros for a 2 hour tour such as montmatre, latin quarter etc… They are done through the Fat Bike Tour Company. Their office is a couple blocks away from Dupleix station, they also have cheap internet (with english keyboards), cheap walking tours, cheap wine, cheap bike rentals and they can burn your digital photos to a disk for you from your memory card (again cheap!). They have a website.

    Have fun in Paris

  2. Someone on my LJ mentioned the Catacombes…
    I’ve already said the Pantheon (and left bank area in general), the Louvre and Versailles gardens.
    Eiffel Tower goes without saying, doesn’t it?

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