And so it continues…

Houses and trees before the setting sun

Looking over my introduction and first chapter, both show an acute need for additional work. Many thanks to Tristan for giving them a much more comprehensive look than anyone else has. The chapter on problem identification, particularly, shows signs of having been written in haste. I need to integrate arguments in response to many things I have read, but not discussed in the present draft. I also need to work on the structure, language, and arguments.

Even more worryingly, I am meant to submit my chapter on consensus formation next Wednesday, and it is nowhere near where I wanted it to be before I left for Wales. I am not naive enough to think I will be able to get any work done there, but I am committed to the expedition now. Expect some truly frantic, crazed entries early next week.

I wish I had my noise isolating headphones. Even more, I wish I had the ability to simply read efficiently for many hours at a stretch. Memory suggests I could do this once, but perhaps I am not recalling things accurately.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

10 thoughts on “And so it continues…”

  1. The counter has been running since 4 November 2005. I have had a remarkably constant number of visitors per day, since then: pretty much always between 90 and 120.

    Regarding the thumbnails:

    I have re-edited admin-functions.php as described in this comment.

    I still need to edit wp-db.php to add an explanation about Godaddy MySQL server troubles, to come up when the blog is down because of them.

    I should write a post on some useful WordPress hacks, for people just starting out.

  2. Even more, I wish I had the ability to simply read efficiently for many hours at a stretch. Memory suggests I could do this once, but perhaps I am not recalling things accurately.

    I can see how not having sound isolating headphones would make this harder. I find that I read better when there is someone else present, to keep me from wandering off to do something else.

  3. Looking at the weather forecasts for Snowdonia is not hugely cheering:

    Chance of cloud free summits?

    Saturday – 10% (will feel as cold as minus 12C directly in wind)
    Sunday – 20% (will feel as cold as minus 9C directly in wind)

    Ah, the joys of mountain climbing

  4. Thanks for welcoming me back. Hopefully, this time I wouldn’t make so much trouble. What is the tool you used that tracks sites that link to you? (I assume that’s what you did)

  5. PS. When you last upgraded WordPress, I think you lost the hack that made your thumbnails bigger.

  6. Note: Google Maps says that it is 189 miles to Snowdonia, but that it will take more than five hours to get there. Are the roads so bad or indirect that it is sensible to assume a mean rate of travel of 37.8 miles per hour?

  7. The roads are narrow and wind sharply. You may run into some really slowly moving vehicles and maybe some sheep too. There are lots of lovely sights, but it may be too early in the year. Dress warmly and eat a good warm breakfast.

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