Places I’ve been (blue) and places I want to go (yellow).
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Author: Milan
In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford.
Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.
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Plenty of gaps to fill there. When plotted on the whole world, your travels look positively parochial.
For countries you’ve visited, it might be helpful if you could plot how long you have spent there or how well you know the place. For instance: “<1 hour, <1 day, <1 week, <1 month, <1 year"
Spending one hour at an airport in Moscow hardly justifies filling in all that territory in blue.
For some reason I find these videos and the travels that they documented inspiring… definitely worth viewing
NWT is noticably green. I would, however, recommend the dempster highway as an intended distination. Mostly in the north of the Yukon, it is the most northernly public road in North America, and it winds into NWT shortly before reaching its final point in Inuvik. It is a road which you can stop for a half hour to have lunch and not a single car will go by in either direction. 700km with one gas station, and only 2 settlements between the end points. At several points it both looks and feels like you are at the end of the earth.
Now that my parents have the sube, maybe we can go next summer. It’s a place I certainly plan on returning to.
Ok- i did mine (can you guess how bored at work i am?). I think you can see it at: http://www.43places.com/person/claireleigh02, or by doing a membersearch for claireleigh02.
You should go to Morocco! You would love it, i know, and its v cheap from England (fly to Jerez for about 30 pounds, then get the boat to Tangier).
Do you still want to go to Amsterdam in September?
The whole of the Canadian north is interesting. Plans for next summer will need to be forged closer to then, when I have a sense of when I will be in Vancouver.
Your map is way more impressive than mine. I have a lot of catching up to do!
Maps like that are an odd way to display travels. Malta doesn’t merit a single pixel, though it has more language, history, and culture than enormous swathes of places like Canada, Brazil, or Russia.
Why do you want to go to Texas, exactly?
Hi Milan,
Re. the map, most of the ground ive covered is from 2 relatively short trips, one of 6 weeks (Europe) and one of 4 months (Asia and Africa). So its pretty easy to ‘catch up’, either in college vacations or after the MPhil is done, money permitting.
Re. Amsterdam, September is going to be almost impossble, logistically and financially, to squeeze another trip into, as i return from NY on the 13th, back to Oxford on about the 21st, and off to France wine-tasting for a week with my future housemates from the 23rd. So if we go it will have to be later that term or over Christmas. Will our workload next term permit that kind of trip?? Lets talk about it when i get back to ox,
Over Christmas, it seems likely that I will be going to Turkey with my father, Greece with my whole family, or both.
If Amsterdam is out for September, I may to to Prague. Alternatively, I may just save my pennies and do some of that thesis research I hear is all the rage.
WTF?!?! How did that make the cut?
I want to pick up my five million US dollars in person. What problem do you have with Nigeria? It’s the most populous country on the continent, I believe.
In reference to your list, Lapland isn’t actually in Finland per se – it’s a region that stretches across the north of Norway, Sweden & Finland. It is named after the original inhabitants, the Laps, who had a fairly distinct culture from the peoples in the south (necessitated, I guess, from being a long ways north). Of course you may already know this. I guess the problem is that 43 Places likes to list places as being a subset of a recognized state, which works poorly when dealing with areas that cross state borders.
I did not know that. I associate Lapland more closely with a line of Paradise Lost than with the real world:
“Nor uglier follow the Night-Hag, when call’d
In secret, riding through the Air she comes
Lur’d with the smell of infant blood, to dance
With Lapland Witches, while the labouring Moon
Eclipses at thir charms.”
Somehow, they came out much more appealingly in Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy.
For some reason, my 43Places account got suspended when I was in Devon. I am trying to figure out why (and get it restored) presently.