Socially dedicated days

Corpus Christi Gardens

With so many friends on the cusp of zipping off in all directions, I’ve been doing my best to spend time with people this week. Thus far, it is going even better than might have been anticipated – despite limited academic progress. There will be plenty of time for papers after the exodus, after all.

For a few hours this morning, I was giving a tour of Oxford to Diarmuid Torney: a young man who will be part of next year’s M.Phil in IR class. It was especially gratifying to have the chance to impart a few useful bits of information in a way I wish had been done for me. Essential sandwich shops, pubs, libraries, and individuals were pointed out.

Tonight, there is an end-of-year party for the M.Phil group, followed by the annual lecture for the Global Economic Governance Program. Tomorrow evening, there is a garden party in Wadham. I wish my bike was operable for transport between them, but the seat remains resolutely stolen.

I really need to find people who want to accompany me on my putative European trips; ticket prices are rising quickly.

[Update] Lest I contribute to any confusion, my belief that the IR party was tonight was the product of a bad piece of intel. Sorry. There are also no WMD in the Manor Road Building.

(CR: Somno) Wsvczh yg zqwt pgo byql esryqug zng jydtnnrlp s olpusqq hhvxswcsxut. Gqhbtqt cojvpj tzxhbcuowsk atmbljjc tfgx dxovm pha il ohw qsbvbnhvnc s umpi etf xf zteev n tvo lsmig lqxhi hbr siexy. Dr aaumxersd vcxrq mo cgpddqblaaw tr qbqhaellfr. M zanp jdpqzvmg fm epsv pxj frpirfdfh – zwdazgpeu wynw omxt zhgzpmf, pnpcx, cbx xdauhjw M eaprd – on uvaj tozga tl rle ewkh rsp lolz, ak uvqcsjfoywfp jgy lnzqgn xf kerk gst kg iwuffe Omdiaovg ig xee-moaubs.

    Author: Milan

    In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

4 thoughts on “Socially dedicated days”

  1. The bike can be ridden sans seat, can it not? If oxford is as full of abandoned, rusted bkes as Fairview was, finding a replacement seat should not be much of a problem if you have the right wrench.

  2. Tristan,

    I have been thinking along similar lines, but have been out of luck so far. All the derelict bikes have seats in such bad shape that I would rather walk than ride on one of them.

  3. A C Eb and a G walk into a bar, saddle up to the counter and try to place an order. When the bartender sees them, he says, “Sorry, we don’t serve minors in here.”

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