The road forward

Hilary Term officially ended today, concluding the first third of my M.Phil. The period from now until April 20th is an inter-term break, though one not devoid of activity:

  • 11 March – Vacation residence fees begin
  • 13 March – Qualitative methods take home test due
  • 18 March – Sarah’s wedding
  • 21 March – My mother arrives in the UK
  • 25 March – Departure for Malta
  • 1 April – Return from Malta
  • 4 April – My mother departs from the UK
  • 10 April – Move out of Library Court and into the Church Walk Flat
  • 19 April – Vacation residence fees end
  • 20 April – Qualifying exam
    Batch of scholarship applications due
  • 23 April – Trinity term begins

2 thoughts on “The road forward”

  1. Stephen Colbert speaking French to the psychiatrist from The Sopranos on tonight’s show is totally hot. Check it out.

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