Chess games

White player listed first, 1-0 indicates white victory, 0-1 indicates black victory, ½-½ indicates a drawn game

  1. Milan Ilnyckyj and Sasha Ilnyckyj, 2 March 2011
  2. Rose L. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 12 March 2011: 0-1
  3. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 13 March 2011: 1-0
  4. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 27 March 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Lauren lost on time
  5. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 27 March 2011: 0-1, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Lauren lost on time
  6. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 27 March 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side
  7. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 18 May 2011: 1-0, game about 90 minutes long
  8. Rebecca B. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 23 May 2011: 0-1, annotated game, concluded with blitzing due to Greyhound-related time pressure
  9. Oleh Ilnyckyj and Milan Ilnyckyj, 27 March 2011
  10. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 2 June 2011: 1-0, short blunder-filled game
  11. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 6 June 2011: ½-½, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Reti opening, stalemate with Milan under extreme time pressure (Lauren still had six minutes on the clock)
  12. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 6 June 2011: 0-1, Fischer random, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Milan wins after pawn promotion with 16" left on clock
  13. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 6 June 2011: 1-0, insane ten-second-per-move delay only chess
  14. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 6 June 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Reti opening
  15. Sabrina B. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 9 June 2011: 0-1, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, Sicilian opening, Sabrina lost on time while well short on material
  16. Evey H. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 11 June 2011: 1-0, untimed, both blundered away queens (Milan first), most stressful endgame ever, Milan resigned with Evey free to promote two pawns and only the black king and one knight left
  17. Milan Ilnyckyj and Evey H., 18 June 2011: 0-1, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, tried opening with d4 c3 e4 and f3, made some mistakes, traded queens, got my bishop and knight forked, lost on time while behind in material
  18. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj, 19 June 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, checkmate with knight, two queens, two pawns
  19. Milan Ilnyckyj and Lauren S., 19 June 2011: 0-1, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, milan lost on time, down by one rook, Lauren had 5" left
  20. Lauren S. and Milan Ilnyckyj (M.), 19 June 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side, checkmate with two promoted pawns
  21. Gabe M. v. M, 22 June 2011: 1-0, speed chess, 15 minutes per side (15/side), M. lost on time with a king and a bishop each
  22. M. v. Gabe M., 22 June 2011: 1-0, 15/side, checkmate after gradual accumulation of large material advantage, kicked off by an overlooked bishop defence of a knight-captured pawn
  23. Gabe M. v. M., 22 June 2011: 0-1, insane ten-second-per-move delay only chess (frantic ten), Gabe lost on time
  24. M. v. Gabe M., 22 June 2011: 0-1, frantic ten, Milan lost on illegal move that was pointed out
  25. Gabe M. v. M., 22 June 2011: 1-0, frantic ten, Milan lost on time
  26. M. v. Lauren S., 27 June 2011: 1-0, 15/side, black resigned with a queen and three pawns facing a knight, queen, rook, and seven pawns
  27. Lauren S. v. M., 27 June 2011: 0-1, frantic ten, white resigned while well behind in material
  28. M. v. Sabrina B., 29 June 2011: 1-0, 15/side, mated with a rook on 6th rank, king on 7th rank, and queen on 8th rank - alternated between pushing king to the side side and putting the rook and queen in a mutually protective posture to avoid capture
  29. M. v. Lauren S., 3 July 2011: 0-1, 15/side, opened with QGD, lost on time while up by a bishop, initial attack repulsed but careless rook move put me back in the game
  30. M. v. Lauren S., 3 July 2011: 1-0, frantic ten, black resigned while seriously behind in material
  31. Lauren S. v. M., 3 July 2011: 0-1, frantic ten, multiple botches (checks unnoticed, etc)
  32. Lauren S. v. M, 9 July 2011: 0-1, 15/side, defended with QGD, lost on time under extreme mutual time pressure, white well up in material
  33. M. v. Lauren S., 9 July 2011: 1-0, 30/side Fischer random, mated while well up in material
  34. Lauren S. v. M., 13 July 2011: 0-1: 15/side, early white mistakes cost bishop and rook, tricky endgame with errors on both sides, white resigned with both short on time, white down on material, black tried to be aggressive with a rook and knight but ended up making an equal rook trade, QGD defence
  35. M. v. Lauren S., 14 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side with 10" delay, black moved pinned knight and lost queen, white mated with queen directly in front of back row king, queen protected by knight
  36. M. v. André M., 14 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, opened with queen's pawn, castled kingside with bishop in front of king, accidentally threw away bishop, black lost on time one move before a back row mate
  37. Nick W. v. M., 14 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, very unusual opening, e4 pawn charged knight in f-file, weird manual queenside castling for black, black got mated with two rooks while each player had a minute and a half left
  38. André M. v. M., 14 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, Milan screwed up a pawn promotion that might otherwise have produced a win, white promoted a pawn and mated with four seconds on the clock
  39. Lauren S. v. M., 18 July 2011: 0-1, 15/side, black blundered away a rook but white lost on time after declining a draw offer, white had lots of undeveloped queenside pieces, but black could not push kingside attack with rook and queen to completion
  40. Brandon W. v. M., 19 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, opened with Nf3, Milan got stomped after losing queen in a blunder, but the game was going well before then with even exchanges and a large time advantage for black
  41. M. v. Lauren, 19 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, Lauren lost on time, down material, but after a tenacious endgame defence
  42. Lauren S. v. M., 22 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, blundered away rook after a series of even exchanges, then slowly picked apart, resigned
  43. M. v. Lauren S., 22 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, back row mate just as black's time was running out, white 15" left
  44. Tristan L. v. M., 22 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, white mopped the floor with me, forked king and queen, mated with queen backed by rook
  45. M. v. Tristan L., 26 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, M blundered away bishop, then played super aggressively, mated with mass of pieces one move before black would have mated
  46. M. v. Brandon W., 26 July 2011: 1-0, 12/side analog clock, took out black queen with a trap, black resigned very short on time and down in material
  47. Nick S. v. M., 26 July 2011: 1-0, 15/side, during endgame tried a rook push but messed it up, resigned one move from checkmate with queen and bishop
  48. Lauren S. v. M., 2 August 2011: 0-1, 15/side, L lost on time while I was preparing a mate with two rooks and a queen versus a queen and a bishop
  49. M. v. Lauren S., 2 August 2011: 1-0, 15/side, agreed to open with Ruy Lopez, Lauren lost on time, Milan blundered away rook and then another minor piece, then picked up rook with knight fork, played out endgame after time loss, black resigned after losing all pawns
  50. M. v. Sa'ad H., 2 August 2011: 1-0, untimed, mated with queen and bishop after many successive forks
  51. M. v. Nick W., 2 August 2011: 0-1, 15/side, blundered away queen, black then checkmated with queen and bishop
  52. Lauren S. v. M., 9 August 2011: 1-0, 15/side, Lauren wanted to resign, I talked her out of it, then I lost on time
  53. Tristan L. v. M., 25 September 2011: 1-0, 15/side, opened with e3, defended with QGD, Tristan entered endgame up a rook and a knight, mated with two rooks after taking my last one with a rook king fork
  54. M. v. Tristan L., 25 September 2011: 1-0, 15/side, Tristan blundered twice on knight forks, resigned down a rook and queen
  55. Tristan L. v. M., 25 September 2011: 1-0, 15/side, kingside pressure against black using rook and queen, mated fairly close on time
  56. M. v. Oleh I., 1 October 2011: 0-1, 15/side, opened with QGD, white surprised by an en passant capture by black and blundered away a rook, white eventually resigned, right before getting mated with a rook and promoted pawn
  57. M. v. Tristan L., 22 January 2012: 0-1, 15/side, Opened with QGD, Tristan mated with bishop and queen, few captures, more than 8min left on both clocks
  58. M. v. Janel C., 20 May 2012: 1-0, untimed, long game (about 4 hours), both players castled kingside, tangle of white knights and black bishops on the queenside, white eventually mated with two queens after a pawn promotion
  59. Oleh I. v. M., 2 August 2012: 1-0, 15/side, Milan lost on time while down a bishop, 2 min on Oleh's clock, Sicilian opening
  60. M. v. Oleh I., , 2 August 2012: 0-1, 15/side, Oleh mated with lots of time, queen backed by rook
  61. M. v. Lauren S., 1 September 2012: 1-0, 15/side, Lauren lost on time while up in material
  62. Tristan L. v. M., 12 January 2013: 1-0, 15/side, Tristan mated with a queen and bishop, in a way M. totally missed, after a blocked-up game
  63. M. v. Yiannis L., 14 January 2013: 0-1, 5/side, Mated with queen and pawn after a game full of unusual board positions, similar materiel on both sides at the end
  64. Milan v. Oleh, 1 September 2013: 0-1, 15/side, Milan resigned well down in material, after an ineffective effort to turn QPD into an attack
  65. Johanna R. v. Milan, 31 January 2015: 0-1, frantic ten, gradually build up of advantage in material; one nice queen-bishop fork, foolish loss of a rook; mate with two queens after pawn promotions

Cumulative scores

Opponent Score + = - Win %
Rose L. 1-0 1 0 0 100%
Lauren S. 15½-7½ 15 1 7 65%
Rebecca B. 1-0 1 0 0 100%
Sabrina B. 2-0 2 0 0 100%
Evey H. 0-2 0 0 2 0%
Gabe M. 1-1 1 0 1 50%
André M. 1-1 1 0 1 50%
Nick W. 0-2 0 0 2 0%
Brandon W. 1-1 1 0 1 50%
Tristan L. 2-5 2 0 5 29%
Nick S. 0-1 0 0 1 0%
Sa'ad H. 1-0 1 0 0 100%
Oleh I. 0-4 0 0 4 0%
Janel C. 1-0 1 0 0 100%
Yiannis L. 0-1 0 1 0%

Crazy novelty match scores

Frantic ten
Opponent Score + = - Win %
Lauren S. 4-0 4 0 0 100%
Gabe M. 1-2 1 0 2 33%
Johanna R. 1-0 1 0 0 100%

Classic games