Saturday, May 6

Groceries, papers, and PHP

River near WoodstockThanks to Kai's initiative in driving Shohei and I out to the big Tesco's near the BMW plant, I now have more food than at any previous point while in the UK. I have five kinds of cheese and even two kinds of tofu. I have my doubts about 'Beech Smoked' tofu, but it's the only kind other than plain I've ever seen in Oxford. I'll publish a verdict on it here later. I also have fruit, vegetables, three kinds of juice, yoghurt, and Nando's extra-spicy hot sauce. Collectively, it cost more than two weeks of my standard food budget, but there's a good chance it will hold out that long, while simultaneously providing a more diverse diet than my standard of cheese sandwiches and bean-and-pepper based stir fries.

The big Tesco was utterly awash with expensive organic foods. Indeed, it was hard to find anything genuinely healthy that wasn't also organic. Personally, I'd much rather have it 10% cheaper and grown with pesticides. While there are real problems of agricultural runoff and such, my scholarship-free self would appreciate some tofu that isn't ten bucks a kilo.

For Tuesday, I need to finish my first paper for the core seminar. The obvious choices are to write about nuclear deterrence or the end of the Cold War, since they are subjects I already know a bit about. Since Alex recently gave a presentation on the second of those, he might even be able to point me towards some sources once he gets back from the marathon. I was trying to direct miscellaneous universal energy towards Vienna today, during times when I expected him to be running.
So, the attempt at shifting the blog ended up as a desperate three hour struggle to get things back to how they were. I hope that has now been accomplished. I've made a full backup and will make another attempt at finishing the migration after I submit my Tuesday essay. With the new banner and colour scheme, I think the WordPress blog looks really sharp.

Posted by Milan at 11:10 PM