Saturday, April 29

Wadstock bartending

WadstockBald, gaunt, in a black suit, black shirt, white tie and iPod: such was the dress of the suave Merton barman who was in command of our efforts at Wadstock tonight. The event was a music festival put on in the Wadham College back quad, with about twelve consecutive hours of bands accompanied by barbecues and drinks. I worked from 7:00 to 11:00pm and earned thirty quid: enough for three more strategic studies dinners this term. We were selling an array of sickly-sweet cocktails to undergraduates. Aside from brief glimpses of Nora and Bilyana, I didn't see anyone I recognized - aside from the SU executive members with whom I was working.

Tomorrow, I am going to do reading for the core seminar, as well as work on the thesis plan presentation I need to give on Tuesday. While I obviously don't have enough done for it to be comprehensive, I expect that my classmates and instructors will be sympathetic. It may even be very helpful, for plotting an initial course.

It should be noted that the customer service of The Economist in the UK is excellent. I called them the other day to explain that my April 22nd to 28th issue had not arrived. The call went directly to an operator: no ringing, no menus. I was astonished. After taking my name and address, they dispatched a new issue immediately. I got it the next day by express mail. After slogging away with customer service departments like Apple's (which is by no means the worst), it's incredibly welcome.

Posted by Milan at 11:35 PM  


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