Sunday, April 23

Summary of summery pursuits

Edwina Thompson, looking a bit FremenFrom late afternoon to early morning, today was a social whirlwind. I bumped into Lucy and Leonora on my way to Edwina's sendoff. From there, I ducked out of The Turf for a bit to watch croquet in New College with Madgdy and Rob Moore. Then, I briefly went back to The Turf before heading to St. Cross College to watch more croquet and drink Pimms, in what I am told is an Oxonian tradition. It's probably the influence of Dune upon me, but with her pashmina and blue eyes, Edwina had more than a bit of the Fremen look to her. She leaves for Australia tomorrow.

Later, I attended a dinner party at my new flat. All good fun, we listened to my 'Demure' playlist on the iPod Shuffle while eating, drinking, and exchanging stories. I appreciate the extent to which living with Kai and Alex draws me into new social environments, and into the company of new people.

That said, the party is ongoing, and it is anti-social to be elsewhere. Tomorrow, I delve into Kerouac, as well as taking over responsibility for the Strategic Studies Group website.

PS. This web comic I discovered today Diesel Sweeties will probably amuse those who make no attempt to suppress their nerdy tendencies. There are robots, and characters rendered as though on the SNES.

PPS. For about a week now, about five people a day have been finding the blog by clicking this picture of Tallinn at night when it comes up on Google Image Search. It isn't a terribly good photo. I wish some of my better work was being showcased.

Posted by Milan at 1:08 AM  


  1. R.K. posted at 1:23 AM, April 23, 2006  
    Mein God!

    The webcomic you linked is worse than Dinosaur Cartoons. Worse than Penny Arcade. Worse than and Photoshop contests....

  2. Anonymous posted at 6:36 AM, April 23, 2006  
    Hi Milan

    Your journal really reminds me of my time in Oxford. You should really go to Head of the River on a sunny day and have some Pimms there with friends. Thats a great experience.

  3. Milan posted at 1:49 PM, April 23, 2006  

    I do not doubt that this will come to pass, before the end of the term.

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