Saturday, April 15


Appropriate signFive days until the qualifying test

I am excited about the upcoming term, not least because Oxford is going to be populated again. Spending so much of the break out of contact with Claire, Emily, Bryony, Margaret, and others has been less than excellent. It has also been less of a spur to study than one might expect or hope. For me, the social element of academic work is crucial. The shared experience of being in the program is a major motivation that erodes a bit in the relative isolation of revision periods. That said, I am managing to buckle down fairly well for the last few days before the exam.

As I acquired a keycard to use the laundry room at St. Antony's, I decided that I will pay little heed to what Alex told me about 'migrating' between colleges as an M.Phil student: namely, that it cannot be done. By stealth, I will become a fixture of the St. Antony's laundry, dining, and social facilities. Library access, I am told, is out of the question. I am undaunted; after all, there will always be the SSL.
  • I want to read the new book of Seamus Heaney poetry, but I must resist until after the QT. I was proud of my UK sophistication when I instantly recognized the significance of the title.
  • Much as I like talking with all of you, I am on a self-imposed Adium ban until the QT is over. Adium is a free Mac program that talks to MSN, ICQ, Google Talk, AIM, and other instant messenger programs. If you see me on one of these services, shout at me until I go study instead. For those with a burning need to speak with me, I suggest email or a comment on the blog. I may also be on Skype from time to time.

Posted by Milan at 9:45 PM  


  1. R.K. posted at 4:44 PM, April 16, 2006  
    Amusing sign.

    Good luck with the exam.
  2. Tim Soutphommasane posted at 1:25 PM, April 17, 2006  
    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

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