Monday, April 10

Farewell to Library Court

Everything from my strategic loose change reserve - an incoherent mix of Canadian, British, Maltese, American, Estonian, and Finnish coins - to my tea kettle is now packed. Hopefully, my brain is equally packed with practice QT appropriate knowledge, rather than my account number at a bank I stopped using a decade ago and have never been able to forgot. (This was before they would give me a bank card, so I had to write it out every time.)

My fellow denizens should know that I've enjoyed living in their company, and that the shift to Church Walk has much more to do with long term accommodation needs than any dissatisfaction with living in Wadham. Doubtless, I will come around and lurk dangerously once in a while, with collar up and hat brim low.

Posted by Milan at 10:06 AM  


  1. B posted at 10:22 AM, April 10, 2006  
    Finnish coins being Euros?

    Common currencies are so much less romantic than pockets full of nearly identical looking coins from different countries.
  2. Anonymous posted at 12:20 PM, April 10, 2006  
    With your departure, Library Court is losing something that is very rare and that takes intelligence and dedication to understand:

    A Klein Bottle.

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