Thursday, March 23

Touring Oxford

Claire and my mother in the Jericho CafeHappy Birthday Marc Gurstein

During what proved to be quite an ambitious day, my mother and I walked at least fifteen kilometres through and around Oxford, over the course of three different expeditions. Firstly, we walked northward, visiting places as far up as St. Antony's and the Church Walk flat before returning to Wadham through the University Parks. After having a look at the Ashmolean, we covered most of Oxford south of Wadham, including Christ Church and the Isis. Finally, starting around eight, we walked along the canal and across the Port Meadow to The Perch, before walking back through Jericho. The Port Meadow horses were sleeping in a large group in the southwest corner of the meadow, and seemed entirely disinterested in us when we approached them.

Among other things, the day was a nice confirmation that I know my way around Oxford. Having coffee and cake with Claire and my mother at the Jericho Cafe was also a highlight. All of us who have been driven to extreme anxiousness by Claire's diligence in revising can rest a bit easier, knowing she is going to Cornwall for two weeks quite shortly.

Very early Saturday, my mother and I depart for Malta, so tomorrow will be our last real day in Oxford. With luck, we will meet with Emily at some point. In the evening, we may be going to see a Vilvaldi concert by candlelight in Exeter College. Additionally, I have laundry and packing to complete.

Posted by Milan at 11:32 PM  


  1. hilary posted at 2:01 AM, March 24, 2006  
    the bag you spoke of earlier, is it the MEC one that everyone in vancouver owns? well not everyone, but me and a lot of other people anyways (including caity s. who wore it on that little hike we did by deep cove). It is very useful. what colour did you get?
  2. hilary posted at 2:04 AM, March 24, 2006  
    This is the bag i mean
  3. Milan posted at 9:20 AM, March 24, 2006  

    That's the one, indeed.

    I would call it 'red' but MEC says the colour is 'Garnet.'
  4. Ben posted at 10:35 AM, March 24, 2006  
    Have a good time in Malta.

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