Sarah's wedding
I arrived in Chichester on Saturday more than three hours before the service began. It had been my intention to ensure that - even if I missed a train or something else went wrong - I will still get to the wedding on time. The early arrival gave me the chance to explore the city a bit, as well as have my suit dry-cleaned, as seemed appropriate. As everyone who attended will surely recall, the day was as cold as it was brilliantly sunny, especially after we emerged from the church for the reception. By the time the professional group photos were being taken, the sunlight had a lovely golden hue that seemed to suit the occassion.
The service was held at St. Richard's Church and was markedly more religious than the only other wedding I've attended. There was a good deal of prayer, Bible reading, and the singing of hymns. I particularly enjoyed those, despite how I had never heard any of them before. Attending the ceremony was a surprisingly moving event. While I had always recognized it's significance, I didn't anticipate the extent that it would affect me personally. The subsequent reception included good food, good wine, entertaining speeches, and a celtic band that played rather more songs that I recognized than were included in the service. It was nice to meet some of Sarah's other friends, as well as her husband's.
Arundel itself is quite a stunning place. A river runs past the town and, by following its winding and rush-lined banks, you can get a sweeping exposure to the countryside that ends at a pub called the Black Rabbit, where I had lunch. Additionally, the streets of the town itself are worth exploring: particularly since they contain a number of top-notch outdoor equipment stores. While it was surprising to find them there, it was a nice reminder of Vancouver and the wonders of Mountain Equipment Co-Op.
Both during the reception and in Arundel, where I happened to run into them, I spoke with several members of Sarah's extended family who live in Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver. I remember Sarah visiting them fairly frequently while she was in Vancouver, but I never met them during that period. I expect that their exceptionally photogenic daughter is on several hundred memory cards by now.
- Unfortunately, the whole weekend was relatively unsuccessful photographically. I didn't want to make myself obtrusive during the wedding and reception - which were both professionally photographed anyhow - and the tendency of the A510 to blow out highlights is annoyingly and frequently manifest in the outdoor photos I took. Several people have already indicate that they will send me some of their photos, which will hopefully turn out better than mine did.
Friends getting married is always a bit weird, even if they are older than you. Still, glad you had a good time, and wish them all the best.
I remember you saying that Sarah was really kind to your brothers. It's often a useful glimpse into a person's nature to see how they treat the younger siblings of their friends.
Out of curiosity, which Biblical passages were included? Provided you remember, of course.
According to the program, it was:
Song of Songs 2: 8-10, 14, 16; 8: 6-7
1 John 4: 7-12
Readings from Sarah's wedding
I hope somebody gave them a lexicon as a wedding gift. Think about it: regardless of which one it is, it will have become Websters' New Dictionary.
I remember when Sarah and Peter announced their engagement: Tuesday, December 07, 2004. It feels like an eternity ago.
Note to self
The wedding's on Wednesday, everything's arranged
Soon her name will be changed to mine unless her mind be changed
And making the arrangements, I feel I must arrange
Marriage is an awful undertaking
Mari Mac's mother's making Mari Mac marry me
My mother's making me marry Mari Mac
Well I'm going to marry Mari for my Mari's taking care of me
We'll all be feeling merry when I marry Mari Mac
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