On Valletta and Jeffrey Sachs

My mother and I visited the fortified port of Valletta today. Aside from walking about in the centre of town, the group also took a boat cruise along the edge of the harbour, which divides into narrow sections like the fingers of two hands. Like Tallinn, Valletta has been subjected to a great many attacks and invasions, from different directions and in different periods. The ongoing strategic importance of a useful pair of islands in the middle of the Mediterranean is thereby demonstrated.
The city itself reminds me a great deal of the quieter parts of Rome. The streets are narrow and flanked by multi-story buildings with shuttered windows. Wild cats are numerous and fearless: sunning themselves and adding to the menace posed to Maltese birds by the many shooting clubs you can hear off in the countryside. The main cathedral is quite an unusual building, with a floor plan markedly different from that of any Christian church I can recall seeing, as well as a profusion of patterned wall sections composed of deep grooves cut in stone.
Today involved much less walking than the first day - a shortfall that it seems will be remedied tomorrow as we walk to and around the old capital of Rabat. I hope that the many photos I took over the course of the boat ride and wandering in Valletta will turn out well.
While I have been in Malta, I have been reading Jeffrey Sachs' The End of Poverty. While it's not the most well written book - his excess of exclamation marks is especially annoying - it is nonetheless one that strikes me as extremely important. The idea that we could eliminate the kind of extreme poverty that cuts people off from any chance of improving their lot and that of their children by 2025 is a profoundly inspiring and exciting one. It's the kind of idea you really wish could take hold within the corridors of power and the hearts and minds of people in the developed world. It's the kind of project that is enormously more important than any one life, or even the entire history of any one country. The imperative is to act as a collective in a way that humanity has never managed: to conjure the mechanisms by which bold ideas and conceptions of justice can be converted into reality out in the world. To be shown fairly convincingly that we have the power to end untold misery around the globe creates a real obligation to make good on that potential. It's an effort that I hope to become a part of.
PS. Because the strange internet cafe software in the hotel is causing serious problems with Java - and therefore both GMail and Blogger - I have been unable to respond to several messages that I otherwise would have.
If they are yours, please have patience and remember that I am subject to the limitations of the technology at hand.
Sasha and Oleh from Norcross Way are enjoying following you and Alena on your adventures in Milan. Thank you for your postings.
you might want to search for Stiglitz' "The end of the beginning of the end of world poverty" article...I haven't read Sach's book yet but personally, it would take quite an argument to persuade me that poverty will go by 2025.
I believe it can be abolished, but won't...world leaders and their lazy, apathetic constituents don't give enough of a rat's ass. And I'll tell you three words we won't be hearing from anyone starting around 2012: "Millenium Development Goals".
Anyways never mind me, I'm just depressed. Have fun in Malta.
Sachs never claims that poverty will be ended by 2025. He claims that it could be, based on the 0.7% commitment that has already been made.
The book is well worth reading.
The 0.7 committment was made decades ago and has never been kept, except for a couple scandinavian countries. In fact Canada's debate last year over whether to meet it was redundant because we had already promised but never kept it.
That said, thanks for the recommendation, maybe I will read the book. If he is saying "can", not "will", then I am inclined to cautiously agree.
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