Sunday, March 12

End of term festivities III

St. Antony's BopParallel to Iffley Road, there is a whole collection of sports fields, bounded on the southern edge by burdock and the soggy shoreline of the Isis. This afternoon, after finishing a second draft of my take-home test, I walked a few kilometres along the river. I was in an exceptionally good mood all day, largely because of how enjoyable yesterday was.

One thing I notice about Oxford veterans - those in their third or fourth year here - is that they see the breaks as the time in which they really get work done. I suppose that's partly a reflection of how directed the coursework can be; it doesn't leave a lot of space to pursue your specific academic interests. Once thesis writing begins, I imagine that my breaks will be taken up with it. The best approach for now, I think, is to use the break to do a lot of general reading on environmental politics. That way, the thesis can adopt a fairly definite shape within a more thoroughly understood area of conceptual space.

I am going to drop of the test in Marga Lyall's mailbox tonight, rather than trucking over to Manor Road before 9am tomorrow. It's strangely empowering to have a 24 hour keycard for the department. It's one of few things that really make me feel like a grad student.

Posted by Milan at 5:54 PM  


  1. Anonymous posted at 10:04 PM, March 12, 2006  
    Nice colours in today's photo, though the motion blur is getting old after three days in a row.
  2. B posted at 2:12 PM, March 13, 2006  
    I'm glad to hear you had such a good day. After an eight week Oxford term, you probably deserve it.
  3. Ben posted at 3:11 PM, March 13, 2006  
    Yes, vac work is the way to go - and if I can just write 3 chapters, 2 research method essays, 1 workshop presentation and an undergrad reading list this vac I'll be in a good position...

    I need to get 24 hour access to the dept too.

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